With Boxing Day being one of the busiest days of the year for retailers, with high competition for in-store foot traffic, it made sense for one of Australia’s biggest retailers to invest in a smartphone advertising campaign during a time where traditionally, traffic on other devices sees a cyclical decline. Advertising on The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age m-sites proved to tick the boxes for this retailer, driving a significant increase in advertising recall and strong upward shifts in online research intent and in-store visitation intent.

Campaign Objectives:

  • Drive intention to research potential purchases online
  • Drive in-store visitation intention

Campaign Period:

December 2014 – January 2015

Research Methodology:

A control / exposed methodology was utilised with a survey launching upon exposure to the campaign.  Control respondents were recruited prior to the campaign commencing but during a window between major campaigns on the Fairfax Media mobile network. (n=5,152)

Measurable Results:

  • Premium m-site advertising drivers superior cut through; mobile ad recall experienced a significant uplift of 13% points, this is 3 times higher than Millward Brown’s online retail market norms.
  • M-site advertising has a direct link in driving uplifts in in-store visitation intent; with in-store visitation intent increasing by +4% points after campaign exposure; this is 3 times higher than Millward Brown’s online retail market norms.
  • Close to half of the m-site audience agreed that ‘a good shopping experience’ is an important factor impacting retailer choice; retailers need to ensure they provide a smooth shopping experience for consumers across all access points.
Source: Millward Brown Ad Index Retailer Campaign, January 2015