To raise awareness of the 7 day Kia sale and drive dealership visitation, Kia partnered with Fairfax Media’s Weatherzone smartphone app property. Kia utilised Weatherzone’s high impact ‘Eclipse’ ad unit, a background takeover that integrated Kia’s content into the page. Overall the campaign delivered strong results, driving directional uplifts in ad recall, along with shifting audiences’ dealership visitation and purchase intent.

Campaign Objectives:

  • Raise awareness in market of the 7 day Kia sale
  • Drive dealership visitation intent

Campaign Period:
13th – 19th March, 2015

Research Methodology:
A simultaneous control / exposed survey of online panellists, with the survey covering category involvement, brand and creative diagnostics. Media consumption questions used to calculate the opportunity to see the advertising and determine ad exposure (n=200).

Measurable Results:

  • Strong ad cut through, with ad recall for those exposed on Weatherzone’s Smartphone app exceeding the average Australian online ad recall norms by 18%*.
  • The campaign effectively drove brand linkage, with those exposed experiencing an increase of 36% for correctly associating Kia with using its creative messaging.
  • The campaign helped move consumers through the purchase funnel, with those exposed 18% more likely to intend to visit a dealership and twice as likely to consider purchasing a Kia car.

Source: TNS, Kia, March 2015, n=200. * Average Australian online ad recall norms refers to TNS’s average Australian online ‘ad recall’ reading for all online ads, across all categories