Fairfax Media Case Study: HSBC Online and Mobile

Fairfax mobile advertising drove an incremental campaign effect to online advertising for HSBC, with exposure to the campaign driving an increase of 20% points across awareness levels and moving the brand forward by 2 ranks in the competitive set.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. Increase awareness of HSBC’s Day to Day and Linked Account products.
  2. Drive consideration of the HSBC brand amongst the target audience through exposure of the campaign on digital and mobile platforms.
  3. Understand the role that brand creative and performance creative plays in shifting key brand and purchase metrics.

Campaign Period:

August 20 to October 15, 2012

Target Audience:

People aged 25 years+ with a household income of $90k+

Research Methodology:

A simultaneous capture of control/exposed sample was employed, with both control and exposed groups receiving an email invitation to complete the survey after exposure to the online advertising. Sample n=1,985.

Creative Execution:

The HSBC Day to Day and Link Account campaigns were executed across Fairfax Metro’s digital network within the Business Day and Money sections as a branded campaign and as a DRX or performance campaign across run of network. The campaign was also executed on Fairfax Metro’s mobile platform across all masthead m-sites.

The Results:

  • Incremental effect of adding mobile to an online campaign: Research showed that adding a mobile and tablet element to a digital campaign provides incremental impact in brand metrics as was evident across both the total sample and target audience with significant lifts across all metrics for both groups. Adding a mobile/tablet element to an online campaign was also beneficial in significantly impacting advertising recall and brand association, with those exposed to online and mobile/tablet seeing a +11% lift in ad recall and 23% point lift in brand association as compared to those exposed to online only.
  • Exposure to the HSBC campaign showcased significant lifts across both the total sample and target audience: Overall, the campaign did exceptionally well in reaching its target audience of people aged 25 years+ with a household income of $90k+, showcasing a significant lift in brand awareness and strong lifts in brand consideration and purchase intent.
  • Brand and DRX creative played an equal role in impacting key brand metrics: Research proved that for communicating brand messages, brand creative in contextually relevant places across Money was more effective in shifting key metrics such as brand awareness and brand consideration which showed significant lifts after exposure. Performance/DRX creative with a driven call to action was more effective in impacting purchase intention.
  • After exposure to the HSBC campaign, awareness levels of HSBC shifted by 20% points and moved the brand forward by 2 ranks.
Source; Nielsen Advertising Effectiveness Research November 2012


Patricia Donaldson
Custom Research Manager
Metro - Research & Insights
+61 (03) 8667 2935 Email Patricia Donaldson