Fairfax Media Case Study: David Jones Case Study

David Jones worked with Fairfax Media to execute a high impact data-driven advertising execution on Masthead Homepages to promote their annual half yearly clearance sale. David Jones’ objective was to eliminate the wastage associated with ‘one size fits all’ ad creative by customizing retail messages to both female and male audiences within traditional Sponsorship placements. David Jones chose Fairfax Media’s D&A product to do so; a solution that combined data and Sponsorship placements.

The targeted campaign proved to be incredibly successful, with results showing that Masthead Homepage visitors who were exposed to the D&A gender targeted advertisements were 43% more likely to visit the David Jones website with additional uplifts in site engagement metrics including time spent on site, pages viewed per session and click to visit rates when compared to those who were served the gender neutral ad.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. To drive awareness of the David Jones annual half yearly clearance
  2. To drive online store visitation during the half yearly clearance
  3. To drive online store engagement during the half yearly clearance

Campaign Period:

June, 5, 2013

Target audience:

David Jones wanted to reach a mass audience with the ability to tailor gender based messages, with a stronger skew to females

Creative Execution:

The David Jones campaign was executed as a Masthead Homepage Sponsorship using Fairfax Media’s D&A product to target relevant ads to the two David Jones audience segments: a male focussed creative for males, a female focussed creative for females.

The Fairfax D&A product has 600+ standard audience segments and 1,500+ custom audience segments covering a large portion of the Fairfax audience. Where the ability to profile a user was not available, a generic ad was served.

The campaign was executed on the Homepage of all major Masthead publications (The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Brisbane Times, Canberra Times and WA Today), with 78% of impressions targeted by gender, with gender-specific creative and 22% of the Homepage audience receiving the generic advertising message.

The Results:

  • Exposure to the D&A-driven gender targeted ads drove a 42% uplift in visitation to the David Jones website when compared to the audience exposed to non-targeted ads.
  • Those who clicked on the David Jones D&A-driven gender targeted ads were 86% more likely to engage with the David Jones website compared to those who clicked through the non-targeted ad.
  • Those who responded to the David Jones D&A-driven gender targeted ads consumed 13% more pages and spent 6% more time on the David Jones website compared to those who clicked through the non-targeted ad.
  • The campaign resonated particularly well with females who responded to the gender targeted ad, consuming 33% more pages and spending 16% more time on the David Jones website compared to those who responded to the non-targeted ad.
  • Exposure to the D&A-driven gender targeted ads drove a 42% uplift in visitation to the David Jones website when compared to the audience exposed to non-targeted ads
Fairfax DFP data, Carat DFA data and David Jones CoreMetrics data, June 2013