Brighton Grammar School Case Study

Brighton Grammar School partnered with Fairfax Media to help promote the schools dedication to fostering personal excellence in boys education. To engage with readers of The Age website, a series of in-depth and engaging Brand Discover native advertising pieces were created by Fairfax Media, exploring aspects of the student experience and the quality of its teachers. The relevance of the content, combined with Fairfax Media’s experience in content creation proved extremely successful, with brand sentiment towards the school experiencing significant directional uplift after campaign exposure.

Campaign Objectives:

  • Promote Brighton Grammar School as a school dedicated to fostering excellence in boys through education
  • Shift brand sentiment towards the school

Campaign Period:
September 2014 – January 2015

Research Methodology:
A simultaneous capture of control and exposed sample was employed, with both control and exposed recruited via a one question survey on site (n=408)

Measurable Results:

  • The engaging Brand Discover ad format proved to deliver, with brand sentiment experiencing an uplift of 117% after campaign exposure. This is 22 times higher than benchmark norms for campaigns with similar marketing objectives.
  • Speaking to the efficiency of Brand Discover, the campaign was able to cut through with clarity, with just one exposure required to achieve significant lift. Close to maximum lift (+111%), was produced from readers who were exposed to the Brand Discover campaign only once

Source: Nielsen Online Brand Effect (Vizu), September 2014 – January 2015