Fairfax Media Case Study: Blackmores Case Study

Working with a number of Fairfax Metro print properties including The Age and Sydney Morning Herald newspapers alongside Sunday Life magazine in order to increase consideration and purchase intention, and communicate key messages and benefits of Blackmore’s products, the campaign was very successful in impacting key brand health metrics amongst the target audience of women aged 25-44.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. Drive consideration of Blackmores for vitamin product purchases
  2. Increase the likelihood to purchase Blackmores vitamins
  3. Communicate key messages around Blackmore’s products and its benefits, as well as additional background information about the company itself

Campaign Period:

September – November 2012

Target Audience:

Females aged 25-44 years with a secondary target of women 45-54 years.

Research Methodology:

A custom panel approach was utilised for the Blackmores campaign. People who read the Early General News (EGN) section of yesterday’s The Age or Sydney
Morning Herald issue were surveyed. Respondents were also asked for their engagement with the Sunday Life magazine and qualified if they read / browsed
a Sunday Life issue from cover to cover in the past week or read / browsed any part of the sponsored ‘What Women Want’ issue on Sunday November 18th 2012 (n=1,504)

Creative Execution:

Blackmores ran a print campaign with weekly advertisements in the Health & Lifestyle section of The Age and Sydney Morning Herald’s EGN section, supplemented by weekly advertisements in the Sunday Life magazine. Blackmores also took sponsorship of the Sunday Life ‘What Women Want’ issue with a cover spinal strip in addition to the full page advertisements.

The Results:

  • Overall, the campaign did exceptionally well in reaching its primary target audience with strong lifts in favourability of +5% points, recommendation of +10% points, consideration of +10% points and purchase intention of +7% points; however the campaign also performed strongly against the total audience.
  • The strength of performance amongst the target audience was largely driven by the younger audience, who experienced significant lifts in favourability, recommendation, consideration and purchase intent of up to +19% points, and a strong lift in unaided brand awareness of +8% points.
  • Researched showed that adding a magazine campaign to a newspaper campaign was beneficial in significantly impacting brand metrics, with respondents who were exposed to both media (The Age / Sydney Morning Herald and Sunday Life magazine) significantly more likely to consider (+15% points) and recommend (+17% points) Blackmores.
  • Positive brand impacts were also observed amongst respondents who were frequent buyers of vitamins and supplements in general (a +10% point lift in consideration, and a +11% point lift in recommendation) and the campaign resonated with those who had never used Blackmores vitamins previously.
  • The creative was received very positively which resulted in strong advertising recall levels of 23% amongst the target audience along with strong brand linkage levels of 72%.
  • “Exposure to the campaign in The Age, Sydney Morning Herald and Sunday Life magazine helped Blackmores maintain its top ranking in the competitive set.” Nielsen Advertising Effectiveness January 2013


Patricia Donaldson
Custom Research Manager
Metro - Research & Insights
+61 (03) 8667 2935 Email Patricia Donaldson