Fairfax Media partnered with ANZ and research company TNS, to explore the synergies of media planning and measure the impact that adding a tablet app component to a desktop campaign generates in driving key brand and creative uplifts.

The research uncovered that the collective use of both mediums proved to be extremely successful in helping ANZ meet their campaign objectives, driving increases in reach, brand preference and application intent.

Campaign Objectives:

  • Drive awareness of the ANZ Black Rewards credit card
  • Increase intention to apply for the ANZ Black Rewards credit card
  • Position ANZ Black Rewards credit card as a card that facilities travel by offering rewards

Campaign Period:

September – October 2014

Research Methodology:

A post recruitment survey of online panellists was used with the survey covering category involvement, brand metrics and creative diagnostics. Tagging and media consumption questions were asked to calculate opportunity to see the advertising and to determine ad exposure. (n=505)

Measurable Results:

  • Multimedia planning has proved to be key, with campaign reach increasing by 22% when Fairfax Media’s tablet app properties were combined with the desktop activity
  • ANZ’s successful use of high impact and visually appealing ads results in significant uplift for ad recall when ads were present across both channels (+13% points)
  • The excellence balance of reach and creative strength resulted with intention to apply for ANZ Black Rewards credit card to double for those exposed to the campaign across both desktop and tablet app properties.
Source: TNS, ANZ Black Rewards Campaign Performance, November 2014


  • A key objective of the Black Rewards campaign was to create awareness and educate consumers on what is effectively a new product category. The results of the TNS research study help to validate that a cross-platform approach is impactful and resonates with users, driving brand consideration and purchase intent.

    Chaminda Ranasinghe
    Head of Digital Sales and Marketing