Welcome to the Fairfax Community Newspapers NSW Network – designed to provide a comprehensive guide to all relevant advertising information on our Sydney Metropolitan community titles, individually and as a group.

Delivery Information:

Fairfax Community Newspapers NSW consists of 15 individual titles in the South, Southwest and West of Sydney. These papers provide local residents with specialised local news, sport, council information, entertainment and events, as well as product or service availabilities in their local area.

Our Fairfax Community Newspapers NSW group information also contains information on 3 titles belonging to the Torch Publishing Group**. These titles are operated independently, but are represented by FCN, and included in group buys.


George Kranitis
National Sales NSW
Fairfax Community Newspapers
+61 (02) 9588 8726 Email George Kranitis
National Sales Victoria
Brown Orr Fletcher Burrows
+61 (03) 9826 5188 Email National Sales Victoria
National Sales Queensland
The Media Workshop
+61 (07) 3839 4100

Liz Molyneux
National Sales Western Australia
+61 (08) 9220 1575 Email Liz Molyneux
Meg Marsh
ACM National Sales – Adelaide
+61 (02) 8394 5136 Email Meg Marsh