This is Jono, and he’s right where he wants to be.

He’s a family man on a mission. New car? Tick. Renovation plans lodged with council? Tick. Holiday set for Fiji? Nearly tick – he’s done the research, but won’t book until after he’s filled that sales role at his construction firm. Because Jono’s not the kind of guy to let anyone down.

With this many people to look after, there’s not much time for himself.

Little moments, like getting to work at 6am a few times a week, when his favourite café is empty and there’s no one to interrupt his 45-minute perusal of the news on his mobile.

"Business is good. The kids are growing. We’re ready for a bunch of new experiences."

Top political correspondents first, then the business news. After that it’s straight to the cricket, and scanning the property market. Jono thinks the family’s ready for a little weekender somewhere. Or maybe a boat. Time to even out their spending imbalance – with his wife’s recent forays in online shopping, there’s a parcel arriving at the house every week it seems. Clothes, camping gear, kitchen appliances – there was even that vitamin kit.

If you think Jono’s a worthy prospect, think about the impact after all his friends and neighbours have noted what he’s buying.

Key Stats

Fairfax Total Audience
Australian Reach
  • 41
    Average age
  • $122,000
    Average household income
  • 3.8
    Average household size
  • Weekly supermarket spend
Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT | People 14+ for the 12 months ending Oct 2016 | Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly Oct 2016.


Anam Malik
Data Executive
Fairfax D&A;
02 9282 1818 Email Anam Malik