This document details the standard approach to terminate rich media and full page digital ad formats available in Fairfax digital publications. Floating, expanding, interstitial etc. ad creative displayed in Fairfax's digital platforms and publications require a close button. Furthermore, any ad-hoc ad creative deemed to require this feature by Fairfax Media must be modified to include this functionality in-line with these guidelines.


Close X

A creative control that enables a user to close an ad (remove it from view) or to reduce an expanded panel back to its original size.

Desktop / Web

Close button

Floating, expanding, interstitial etc. creative is required to include a standard close button, typically in the top-right corner of the creative, however – in the case of expanding ads – if this location is impractical or causes usability issues, a member of the creative implementation team will advise you of the required changes.

The standard close button must be placed on an opaque background using high contrast font colour to stand out from its environment. The close button should read “X-CLOSE” and use a minimum font-size of 13px, Sans-Serif font-face e.g Ariel and weight bold (900) or equivalent. Minimum dimensions of the close button must be 30(h) X 70(w) pixels. Please see the following visual and CSS examples:



    Fairfax standard close button style definitions example


.closeBtn {

    /* the background colour must be of high contrast relative to its surroundings */


    /* the font colour must be of high contrast relative to its background */


    /* font-weight must be bold and minimum 13px */



    /* minimum dimensions */




    font-family:Ariel, Sans-Serif;


Remove Button

Where applicable, the REMOVE button is implemented by Fairfax’s Technical Operations team.

When clicked, this button removes inline components of specific rich media executions for a 24 hour period.


Rich media mobile ads require a close button, a standard Fairfax “mobile close button” will be implemented by the Technical Operations team.


A Tablet ad specific close button must be implemented for all full page interstitial tablet ad creative. Please Refer to the Tablet Advertising Guidelines document for details.

Note that in-line article adverts currently do not accept rich media (expanding, floating etc.) creative formats, hence no applicable close button guidelines exist for these formats.

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Revision: 7.00

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!