Mobile banners are available throughout the Fairfax Mobile Network.


Standard display advertising rules apply, including:

  • Animation and looping: please see the table below.
  • Animations must not contain strobing and pulsating effects
  • Display advertising must include a 1px solid border with at least 20% contrast against its environment

Dimensions and Specifications

DimensionsFile size and format
Mobile Banners320x5040KB
Mrec300x250px (pos 2 only)40KB
ActionsThe following actions can be initiated following a banner press:
Press to Call (direct connection from the phone to the advertisers call centre)
Press to launch Expanding Ad Unit (see above)
Press to resume OTP (see above)
Press to download iOS application (link to App store)
Press to download podcast, song etc. from iTunes
Press to launch video
Press to link to your mobile site
Press to link to your web site (smart phone browsers are adept at allowing users to view and navigate normal websites. (Note that flash components will not be rendered on iOS devices).
Animation3 frames max, continuous loop is accepted
NotesTo optimise for HD/Retina displays please supply images 600x100px or 600x500px respectively
Mobile SuperheroDimensions320x120px
File TypeJPG, PNG, GIF
File Size40KB
ActionsThe following actions can be initiated following a banner press:
Press to Call (direct connection from the phone to the advertisers call centre)
Press to launch Expanding Ad Unit (see above)
Press to resume OTP (see above)
Press to download iOS application (link to App store)
Press to download podcast, song etc. from iTunes
Press to launch video
Press to link to your mobile site
Press to link to your web site (smart phone browsers are adept at allowing users to view and navigate normal websites. (Note that flash components will not be rendered on iOS devices).
Animation3 frames max, continuous loop is accepted
NotesTo optimise for HD/Retina displays please supply images of 640x240px
Mobile Wide BannerDimensions320x60px
File TypeJPG, PNG, GIF
File Size40KB
ActionsThe following actions can be initiated following a banner press:
Press to Call (direct connection from the phone to the advertisers call centre)
Press to launch Expanding Ad Unit (see above)
Press to resume OTP (see above)
Press to download iOS application (link to App store)
Press to download podcast, song etc. from iTunes
Press to launch video
Press to link to your mobile site
Press to link to your web site (smart phone browsers are adept at allowing users to view and navigate normal websites. (Note that flash components will not be rendered on iOS devices).
Animation3 frames max, continuous loop is accepted
NotesTo optimise for HD/Retina displays please supply images of 640x120px

Where can this run?

View the “Fairfax Ad Product Site Matrix” to see what sites this product can run.

Lead Times


Please deliver all creative assets at least 3 business days prior to start date.

Revision: 7.24

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!