
In-line tablet creative comprises of the Tablet Rectangle or TRec and the Tablet Board or TBoard, which are available on article pages alongside IAB standard medium rectangle, half page and leaderboard shapes (please note that the Weather section supports only standard IAB leaderboard and MREC shapes).

The TRec (or half page or medium rectangle) and TBoard (or leaderboard) are not available separately as they compliment each other and only one of them is served on the page, depending on the article’s layout.

The TRec shape is displayed on articles where the article body does not include secondary images or multimedia links. It occupies the right-hand-side of articles. In instances where secondary article images or multimedia is displayed in this area, the TRec unit is substituted by the TBoard shape, which is rendered at the end of the article, occupying the full width of the content pane.

Similarly, the two shapes of weather ads are also only available as a single line item booking as each shape is specific to the device orientation.

Please also read the tablet advertising guidelines prior to commencing creative production!


  • Article advertising creative must be hosted on Fairfax servers
  • Static or animated gif (3-frame max) images supported
  • Each booking must incorporate both the TRec and TBoard shapes as these placements are complimentary
  • (Optional) Third-party click and impression tracking is supported on all placements

NameDevice OrientationDimensions (W x H) pxBase File WeightRich File WeightFile FormatNotesA.K.A.
Tablet Rectangle
Medium Rectangle
any350x600px or 300x600px (IAB half page)
300×250 (IAB standard medium rectangle)
40 KBNAGIF, JPG, PNGAll images are hosted by Fairfax. Note, AFR tablet app currently does not support the 728×130 ad size.trec
Tablet Boardany728x130px or 728x90px (IAB leaderboard )tboard
Tablet Weather adlandscape728 x 90 (IAB leaderboard )
portrait300 x 250 (IAB standard medium rectangle)

Lead Times

TIER 2 Rich Media Executions: 5 business days lead time.

Please note that if rich media creative includes non-standard aspects, it will be considered as a TIER 1 “Custom Ad” requiring 10 business days or longer lead time. Your Fairfax Account Manager will advise you about creative lead times at the time of signing your booking.

Revision: 7.00

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!


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