Haringey Solidarity Group

The social revolution will sweep Turkey Kurdistan sooner or later

An account from Zaher Baher of Haringey Solidarity Group and the Kurdistan Anarchists Forum about a trip to Turkism Kurdistan.

The experiment of West Kurdistan (Syrian Kurdistan) has proved that people can make changes - Zaher Baher

An interesting report by Zaher Baher of Haringey Solidarity Group and Kurdistan Anarchists Forum who spent two weeks in Syrian Kurdistan, looking at the experiences of self-government in the region against the background of the Syrian civil war and rise of Islamic State.

The poll tax rebellion in Haringey

Haringey anti-poll tax poster

Great pamphlet about the successful fight against the poll tax in Haringey, north London. Produced by Haringey Solidarity Group in 1999, this pamphlet gives an excellent snapshot of the struggle in one London Borough.

Leaflet of Visteon National Day of Action 25th April 2009

Visteon occupation

Leaflet of upcoming National Day of Action to support sacked Visteon workers

1995: The JJ Foods Strike

On October 31st 95, forty five workers at JJ Fast Food Distribution Ltd. in Tottenham were sacked for joining the T&G.