Logo design los angeles
At the amount of mass communication and in common usage a company's brand is these days ty...
published: 11 Nov 2013
Logo design los angeles
Logo design los angeles
At the amount of mass communication and in common usage a company's brand is these days typically substitutable with its trademark or whole Numerous inventions and techniques have contributed to the modern brand, as well as cylinder seals,trans-cultural diffusion of silver hallmarks and also the development of printing technology. For more information on http://designspinners.com/our-work/logo-design/- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 1
Critical Neuroscience #5 Neuroimaging
Dr. Amir Raz gives an overview on the different types of neuroimaging methods: NMR, MRI, f...
published: 26 Aug 2013
Critical Neuroscience #5 Neuroimaging
Critical Neuroscience #5 Neuroimaging
Dr. Amir Raz gives an overview on the different types of neuroimaging methods: NMR, MRI, fMRI, ERP, EEG, PET, Cyclotrone, TMS and CT. Part of the Summer Programme in Social and Cultural Psychiatry from the Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry at McGill University.- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 5
Excerpt from OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 MaxD, Repurposing Audio
Saturday, February 8, 2014
La série Objet Sonore invite de...
published: 09 Feb 2014
Excerpt from OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 MaxD, Repurposing Audio
Excerpt from OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 MaxD, Repurposing Audio
Saturday, February 8, 2014 OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 La série Objet Sonore invite des conférenciers de milieux divers à donner des présentations de 30 minutes sur des sujets allant de l'architecture à la robotique en passant par le féminisme, l'art sonore sous-marin et les abeilles à miel. Outre ces conférences mensuelles, la baladodiffusion et les ateliers d'art oratoire remplissent notre mandat de développer la communauté trans-disciplinaire, d'encourager l'intérêt pour la culture et d'offrir aux artistes et conférenciers émergents une plate-forme pour la diffusion et le développement de leurs idées. Commissaires : Michael Palumbo, Jamie Woollard www.objetsonore.com Centre Phi Une présentation de DHC/ART, Phi Centre et Objet Sonore. // Objet Sonore Lectures present 30-minute talks by speakers from diverse backgrounds. Past and upcoming topics include architecture, robotics, feminism, underwater sound art, and honeybees. In addition to our monthly lecture events, the Objet Sonore Podcast and speaker development workshops enact our mandate to build community across domains, foster cultural literacy, and offer exposure and development opportunities to emerging artists and lecturers. Curators: Michael Palumbo, Jamie Woollard www.objetsonore.com Phi Centre Presented by DHC/ART, Phi Centre and Objet Sonore- published: 09 Feb 2014
- views: 24
Excerpt from OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 MaxD, Repurposing Audio
Saturday, February 8, 2014
OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 MaxD Repurposing Audio
La série ...
published: 09 Feb 2014
Excerpt from OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 MaxD, Repurposing Audio
Excerpt from OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 MaxD, Repurposing Audio
Saturday, February 8, 2014 OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 MaxD Repurposing Audio La série Objet Sonore invite des conférenciers de milieux divers à donner des présentations de 30 minutes sur des sujets allant de l'architecture à la robotique en passant par le féminisme, l'art sonore sous-marin et les abeilles à miel. Outre ces conférences mensuelles, la baladodiffusion et les ateliers d'art oratoire remplissent notre mandat de développer la communauté trans-disciplinaire, d'encourager l'intérêt pour la culture et d'offrir aux artistes et conférenciers émergents une plate-forme pour la diffusion et le développement de leurs idées. Commissaires : Michael Palumbo, Jamie Woollard www.objetsonore.com Centre Phi Une présentation de DHC/ART, Phi Centre et Objet Sonore. // Objet Sonore Lectures present 30-minute talks by speakers from diverse backgrounds. Past and upcoming topics include architecture, robotics, feminism, underwater sound art, and honeybees. In addition to our monthly lecture events, the Objet Sonore Podcast and speaker development workshops enact our mandate to build community across domains, foster cultural literacy, and offer exposure and development opportunities to emerging artists and lecturers. Curators: Michael Palumbo, Jamie Woollard www.objetsonore.com Phi Centre Presented by DHC/ART, Phi Centre and Objet Sonore- published: 09 Feb 2014
- views: 24
Excerpt from OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 Philippe Blanchette Interfaces Modulaires
Saturday, February 8, 2014
OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 Philippe Blanchette Interfaces Mo...
published: 09 Feb 2014
Excerpt from OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 Philippe Blanchette Interfaces Modulaires
Excerpt from OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 Philippe Blanchette Interfaces Modulaires
Saturday, February 8, 2014 OBJET SONORE - CONFÉRENCE #2 Philippe Blanchette Interfaces Modulaires pour outils iOS/Android La série Objet Sonore invite des conférenciers de milieux divers à donner des présentations de 30 minutes sur des sujets allant de l'architecture à la robotique en passant par le féminisme, l'art sonore sous-marin et les abeilles à miel. Outre ces conférences mensuelles, la baladodiffusion et les ateliers d'art oratoire remplissent notre mandat de développer la communauté trans-disciplinaire, d'encourager l'intérêt pour la culture et d'offrir aux artistes et conférenciers émergents une plate-forme pour la diffusion et le développement de leurs idées. Commissaires : Michael Palumbo, Jamie Woollard www.objetsonore.com Centre Phi Une présentation de DHC/ART, Phi Centre et Objet Sonore. // Objet Sonore Lectures present 30-minute talks by speakers from diverse backgrounds. Past and upcoming topics include architecture, robotics, feminism, underwater sound art, and honeybees. In addition to our monthly lecture events, the Objet Sonore Podcast and speaker development workshops enact our mandate to build community across domains, foster cultural literacy, and offer exposure and development opportunities to emerging artists and lecturers. Curators: Michael Palumbo, Jamie Woollard www.objetsonore.com Phi Centre Presented by DHC/ART, Phi Centre and Objet Sonore- published: 09 Feb 2014
- views: 113
Перамиды Чичен-Ица в Мексике - Chichen Itza Mexico
Перамиды Чичен-Ица в Мексике - Chichen Itza Mexico
политический и культурный центр майя на...
published: 06 Jan 2014
Перамиды Чичен-Ица в Мексике - Chichen Itza Mexico
Перамиды Чичен-Ица в Мексике - Chichen Itza Mexico
Перамиды Чичен-Ица в Мексике - Chichen Itza Mexico политический и культурный центр майя на севере полуострова Юкатан (Мексика). Священный город народа Ица, расположен в 120 километрах к востоку от города Мерида, столицы Юкатана, Мексика. Название «Чичен Ица» в переводе с языка местных племён значит «Устье колодца племени Ица» или «Рот колодца колдунов воды»: «чи» на языке майя означает «устье», «чен» — «колодец», а «ица» — название племени или группы майя, которое, по преданию, первым появилось на этой земле. Археологи считают его одним из религиозных «мест силы», связанных с культурой майя. Chichen Itza was a major focal point in the northern Maya lowlands from the Late Classic (c. AD 600--900) through the Terminal Classic (c.AD 800--900) and into the early portion of the Early Postclassic period (c. AD 900--1200). The site exhibits a multitude of architectural styles, reminiscent of styles seen in central Mexico and of the Puuc and Chenes styles of the northern Maya lowlands. The presence of central Mexican styles was once thought to have been representative of direct migration or even conquest from central Mexico, but most contemporary interpretations view the presence of these non-Maya styles more as the result of cultural diffusion.- published: 06 Jan 2014
- views: 4
Culture analysis: Additional on groupthink.
Fighting groupthink and bias requires self-training and education and denial doesn't help....
published: 30 May 2012
author: anubis2814
Culture analysis: Additional on groupthink.
Culture analysis: Additional on groupthink.
Fighting groupthink and bias requires self-training and education and denial doesn't help. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=emotions-in-locks...- published: 30 May 2012
- views: 1555
- author: anubis2814
ap world hitory funny video
its not very funny but its for a grade..... Here are the Lyrics..... - Why did the expansi...
published: 07 Dec 2012
author: Lauryn Griffin
ap world hitory funny video
ap world hitory funny video
its not very funny but its for a grade..... Here are the Lyrics..... - Why did the expansion of the following empires help to increase Trans-Eurasian trade a...- published: 07 Dec 2012
- views: 29
- author: Lauryn Griffin
Westward Expansion Digital Story
This digital story portrays the era of Western Expansion as a cradle of conflict, rather t...
published: 12 Nov 2010
author: elonwinger22
Westward Expansion Digital Story
Westward Expansion Digital Story
This digital story portrays the era of Western Expansion as a cradle of conflict, rather than a time of peaceful cultural diffusion.- published: 12 Nov 2010
- views: 3627
- author: elonwinger22
AM Logo
Founded in St. Petersburg, the Art-Modern Foundation is a center of musical and cultural e...
published: 21 Aug 2011
author: artmodernfoundation
AM Logo
AM Logo
Founded in St. Petersburg, the Art-Modern Foundation is a center of musical and cultural exchange in Russia, Spain, Latin America and the United States. An i...- published: 21 Aug 2011
- views: 259
- author: artmodernfoundation
The diffusion and survival of Ejagham leopard societies and associated masquerades in the ...
published: 17 Jun 2010
author: ClevelandMuseumOfArt
The diffusion and survival of Ejagham leopard societies and associated masquerades in the African diaspora happened as a result of the trans-Atlantic slave t...- published: 17 Jun 2010
- views: 1475
- author: ClevelandMuseumOfArt
FRONTIERES // Zanési / Rebotini N°2
Le Centre Pompidou (13 Sept) et Le Centre des Arts d'Enghien Les Bains (20 Sept) , inviten...
published: 20 Aug 2012
author: Arnaud Rebotini
FRONTIERES // Zanési / Rebotini N°2
FRONTIERES // Zanési / Rebotini N°2
Le Centre Pompidou (13 Sept) et Le Centre des Arts d'Enghien Les Bains (20 Sept) , invitent Christian Zanesi, Arnaud Rebotini et Zita Cochet à présenter le f...- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 1500
- author: Arnaud Rebotini
FRONTIERES // Zanési / Rebotini N°3
Le Centre Pompidou (13 Sept) et Le Centre des Arts d'Enghien Les Bains (20 Sept) , inviten...
published: 02 Feb 2013
author: Arnaud Rebotini
FRONTIERES // Zanési / Rebotini N°3
FRONTIERES // Zanési / Rebotini N°3
Le Centre Pompidou (13 Sept) et Le Centre des Arts d'Enghien Les Bains (20 Sept) , invitent Christian Zanesi, Arnaud Rebotini et Zita Cochet à présenter le f...- published: 02 Feb 2013
- views: 1018
- author: Arnaud Rebotini
Zapping - espionnage : Renault roulé dans la farine ?
L'actualité vue par les partenaires de TV5MONDE : TSR, RTBF, France télévisions et Radio C...
published: 04 Mar 2011
author: tv5monde
Zapping - espionnage : Renault roulé dans la farine ?
Zapping - espionnage : Renault roulé dans la farine ?
L'actualité vue par les partenaires de TV5MONDE : TSR, RTBF, France télévisions et Radio Canada. Diffusion dans le journal de 6 heures (heure française). Le ...- published: 04 Mar 2011
- views: 1432
- author: tv5monde
Youtube results:
Jean Baudrillard Hommage
"Reality is not what it can be reproduced but what it is already reproduced" (J. Baudrilla...
published: 31 Jul 2010
author: Joseba Moso
Jean Baudrillard Hommage
Jean Baudrillard Hommage
"Reality is not what it can be reproduced but what it is already reproduced" (J. Baudrillard) The contemporary art in the field of image is constantly broade...- published: 31 Jul 2010
- views: 409
- author: Joseba Moso
solo funk sax mark6 inspiration maceo-parker jean-marc(france bleu roussillon perpignan
diffusion diffère le 26-02 a 16h30demonstration funk studio radio france bleu roussillon p...
published: 28 Jan 2011
author: ml8sj
solo funk sax mark6 inspiration maceo-parker jean-marc(france bleu roussillon perpignan
solo funk sax mark6 inspiration maceo-parker jean-marc(france bleu roussillon perpignan
diffusion diffère le 26-02 a 16h30demonstration funk studio radio france bleu roussillon perpignan alto sax selmer mark6 inspiration funk jean-marc avec comm...- published: 28 Jan 2011
- views: 588
- author: ml8sj
The Silk Road
In the past the Silk Road represented a vital resource in the exchange of goods between Eu...
published: 16 Nov 2010
author: Alfredo Bini
The Silk Road
The Silk Road
In the past the Silk Road represented a vital resource in the exchange of goods between Europe and Asia. Today it remains a communication canal which brings ...- published: 16 Nov 2010
- views: 5429
- author: Alfredo Bini
Le Brésil, destination de rêve ?
Présidentielle 2012 : la France doit accueillir les personnes LGBT persécutées Inclurez-vo...
published: 04 Apr 2012
author: SOShomophobie
Le Brésil, destination de rêve ?
Le Brésil, destination de rêve ?
Présidentielle 2012 : la France doit accueillir les personnes LGBT persécutées Inclurez-vous explicitement l'orientation sexuelle dans les motifs ouvrant dro...- published: 04 Apr 2012
- views: 1627
- author: SOShomophobie