
Finally beer Perth can afford... Guildford Hotel slashes prices pints, middys

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Well, the Guildford Hotel has certainly hopped to it.

A week after WAtoday reported the recently-refurbished pub would reintroduce pints to its menu after an overwhelming backlash from customers, the iconic hotel has done so with a bang.

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What's happened to the pint

Journalist David Prestipino explains what some pubs are doing with the pint, you might as well grab a middy.

The Guildford was one of several pubs WAtoday had outed a few months back for ditching the pint glass in favour of schooners (425ml) and other fancy glassware in recent months.

The frothing threatened to bubble over when WAtoday revealed suburban favourites the Wembley Hotel and The Windsor in South Perth were still charging pint prices for beer served in smaller glasses.

The public outrage that followed on the back of these stories seemed to have struck a chord with some publicans, with The Guildford and the Wembley Hotel both reverting to serving beer in pint glasses.

What other pubs are still selling cheap pints? And which ones are ripping us of? Email us or comment below


In The Wembley's case, it now serves tap beer in three sizes - small (285ml), large (480ml) and pints, while The Guildford has gone back to basics, ditching the schooner altogether for just middys (285ml) and pints (568ml), the way at most pubs in WA since the early 1990s.

But it's the price of The Guildford's new beer menu that has us feeling merry... every pint of its 17 tap beers is either $9 or $10, with only one - Feral Brewery's ultra-premium Hop Hog - at $11, while middys are now $5 or $6.

In comparison, when The Guildford finally reopened earlier this year with roughly the same selection of draught beers, most 425ml schooners were around the $10 mark.

The historic hotel confirmed to WAtoday the new prices for middys and pints were here to stay and would only increase if influenced externally.

The Wembley has also lowered its prices accordingly, after a WAtoday reader did some calculations and informed us it was cheaper (by the millilitre) to buy beer from the venue by its 285ml 'small' vessel rather than the new 480ml 'large' handle glass (which look mint and feel great to drink from).

We then road-tested some other popular suburban pubs that had been recently renovated, and found beer was cheaper by the middy at South Perth stalwart The Windsor too.

WAtoday was highly critical of The Wembley's new pricing at the time, but their costly renovation is now finished and looking a million bucks, complete with three tap sizes of beer on offer.

The Guildford Hotel took feedback from customers across several venues and tested their devotion to drinking pints through a vote on social media.

The result? A whopping 96 per cent of 1500 respondents favoured the return of the pint over the retention of the schooner... a figure to make every pint-less Perth publican shake a little.

If beer lovers weren't buzzing at that news already, the Guildford's return to 'pre-boom' pint prices surely will.
