How a palace outsider, Catherine Pegard, won over the Versailles cultural crowd

The glistening Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.
The glistening Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. Supplied

When your second home is an elegant apartment in the Château de Versailles, you could be excused for taking advantage of your grand surroundings. But Catherine Pégard, the palace’s director for the past five years, has mostly resisted the temptation to roam the 67,002 square metres of floor space after the crowds have gone home and Louis XIV’s monument to royal grandeur can be enjoyed in relative solitude.

“I don’t want to do it always because it must be special,” she explains as we begin our evening tour by ascending the perfectly proportioned Gabriel staircase. “It is not ours. It is not a place to play around.”

Pégard has made an exception for us, a small handful of Australians, because this December more than 130 treasures from Versailles will go on display at the National Gallery in Canberra. The exhibition, which includes a marble bust of the Sun King, Marie-Antoinette’s hand-crafted harp and the 1.5-tonne marble Latona Fountain sculpture, has inevitably been billed a “once in a lifetime” showcase of a turbulent and influential period of French history.

For once the marketers may not be over-reaching. The palace is a magical place at dusk and if the exhibition can capture even a fraction of this, it will be a resounding success. That said, how treasures that look sublime in situ will appear in the stark white cube of a gallery space remains to be seen. And the exhibition has a mighty French predecessor to live up to, the 2010 show of post-impressionist works from the Musee d’Orsay which set attendance records with its 476,000 visitations.

Chateau de Versailles director Catherine Pegard: "It's normal when you arrive somewhere that you have a lot to prove."
Chateau de Versailles director Catherine Pegard: "It's normal when you arrive somewhere that you have a lot to prove." Jeremy Stigter

We move through to the vast royal chapel where the court would gather each morning for the king’s mass on the first-storey tribune royale. As we take in the height of the vaults, Alexandre Maral, the head of sculpture at Versailles, begins to play the organ.

After that it’s the Hall of Mirrors, which shimmers in the early evening light. In the past courtiers would light as many as 20,000 candles to transform the room into a “corridor of light” but tonight the electric bulbs in the chandeliers do just fine. Pégard takes photos with her iPhone like a tourist.

From high heels to walking shoes

The next day, when I sit down with Pégard in her office, I ask if she still experiences a thrill wandering the palace’s 2300 rooms. She famously swapped high heels for comfortable walking shoes early in her tenure to trail the security guards doing their 6.4 kilometre nightly rounds known as la ronde de la nuit. Has the novelty worn off?

“You can’t say you know this place. I don’t know Versailles, really. If you think you know everything you should just go,” she replies. “Last night it was the first night I heard Alexandre playing the organ and it was very moving because I know him now. I have heard the organ many times but last night it was him and not the others.”

The Latona Fountain sculpture, coming to Canberra.
The Latona Fountain sculpture, coming to Canberra.

It has taken Pégard some time to feel truly comfortable at Versailles, given the circumstances of her arrival. A political reporter and editor at magazines such as Le Quotidien de Paris and Le Point, she impressed conservative president Nicolas Sarkozy enough to be offered the job of political adviser soon after his election in 2007. She had met Sarkozy 30 years earlier in Neuilly, at a meeting of young members of the Rassemblement pour la République – they are nearly the same age. She was given the Versailles job in 2011 in one of Sarkozy’s final appointments as leader.

To appoint an outsider with no curatorial credentials to run one of France’s greatest institutions – only the Louvre can claim more clout – was controversial, and the French cultural establishment reacted with trademark scorn.

“The fact that Sarkozy wants to reward his colleague is in the natural order of things, but not with Versailles,” declared Jean-Christophe Castelain, editor of Le Journal des Arts. “Thirty years in political journalism and a stint in the presidential cabinet does not equip her to run a complex site which employs 1000 staff, has visitor figures of 3.5 million and a budget of €80 million ($115 million).”

Laurent Gervereau, Museums of Europe Network president, complained that France’s “social elevator” had broken. “To offer the rewards to courtesans is deplorable,” he added.

The gardens of the Palace of Versailles in Paris.
The gardens of the Palace of Versailles in Paris.

Pégard, a small and unpretentious woman whose measured delivery can’t quite hide a dry sense of humour, concedes the criticism was not always easy to take.

“I thought that if the president chose me he probably had good reasons to do that,” she says carefully. “He knew me and the people that criticised me didn’t know me at all. It was not so easy. But it’s normal when you arrive somewhere that you have a lot to prove.”

Not an arts grandee

Using her journalistic background, Pégard decided the best way to win over sceptical staff was to ask questions. She would bring a notepad with her to meetings and take notes, adopting the role of inquisitive reporter rather than arts grandee. As she settled into the role she even began writing pieces about Versailles’s former occupants.

“I am never fed up with asking questions,” she says. “It is my life, you know. I love writing things about Louis XIV like I did before about [former presidents] Chirac or Mitterrand. For me it is exactly the same exercise except Louis XIV can’t criticise what I say.”

In late September, Pégard’s contract was extended by three years, with Culture Minister Audrey Azoulay praising her for “cementing Versailles’ reputation both in France and across the world”. The announcement this time round did not generate howls of protest. So does Pégard think she’s proved her critics wrong? “Ask them,” she replies. “I hope so.”

The 62-year-old’s time in charge has not been without controversy. Pégard continued her predecessor’s tradition of throwing the palace and its 800 hectares of gardens open to contemporary artists. Landscape artist Louis Benech and the Turner Prize-winning Anish Kapoor have generated just the right amount of debate with their exhibits, while twin brothers Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec have hung a beautiful, modern chandelier above the venerable Gabriel staircase.

One of her early decisions was to allow South Korean shipping tycoon Yoo Byung-eun to rent the celebrated Orangerie for a show of his little-known photographs. The aspiring artist, who donated millions to Versailles restoration projects, went into hiding a year later when one of his ferries sank, killing 295 people. He later took his own life.

Pégard has argued that nobody in France or Korea had a problem with the arrangement until Yoo came unstuck. But the incident underlines how even France’s biggest cultural institutions are being forced to find alternative sources of funding, as the state cuts back on financing and visitor numbers decline in the wake of terrorist attacks.

Revenue up

Versailles has increased revenue from ticket sales, shops, restaurants and private events so that they represent about 52 per cent of the overall budget. Sponsorship accounts for another 7 per cent, leaving the Ministry of Culture to make up most of the rest. With public funding unlikely to increase any time soon, Pégard has adopted a range of commercial partnerships to achieve her goal of opening up Versailles to the world. This includes relatively straightforward deals such as giving luxury house and long-time patron Dior the right to film campaigns in the Hall of Mirrors but also extends to renting out castle buildings to a French hotel group and celebrity chef Alain Ducasse.

The prospect of paying guests watching the sun set over the fabled André Le Nôtre-designed gardens has raised concerns about the privitisation of a national treasure.

“We have tried to find the most balanced [commercial] projects for Versailles,” says Pégard, who adds that she has no intention of turning the palace into Disneyland. She points out that plenty of proposals get knocked back, including having horse-drawn carriages on the grounds or allowing photographers to snap visitors in 17th-century costume.

“Versailles doesn’t need all that. Our history is not Mickey Mouse, we have Louis XIV. If you want bal masque you can go to Venice. Our challenge is to make it living today.”

Versailles in Australia

The Canberra exhibition is partly a response to this challenge. The three-month show, the first time works from Versailles will go on display in Australia and the biggest international exhibition the palace has undertaken, was announced just a week after the Nice terrorist attacks. Against this sombre backdrop, Pegard hopes the paintings, textiles, furniture and sculptures on loan reflect the influence Versailles has had in the fields of fashion and design over 400 years. She also hopes they serve as a defence of French culture at a time when the temptation may be to turn inwards.

“There are less people coming to Paris and to Versailles for the moment,” she says. “We do hope they will come back if we show that they have reason to come back. When we go to Canberra I think we are going to say to the Australian people, ‘well, next time come to France’.

“We are very involved in these questions about security and terrorism. We must face up to the challenge. We must know it, but we must also continue.”