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Here Comes the Sunset Vol.4 by Jose Padilla

By José Padilla

64 1.9k
Here Comes the Sunset Vol.4 by Jose Padilla

This upload features tracks from Bostro Pesopeo, Bliss, Ilya Santana, Chris nemmo, Blue pilots project and more.

New Compilation for Singita Beach Club Out Now.
Hope you all enjoy.
Peace & Love

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inesloveliam2 months agoReplyReport spam

Yes,Sir! Thank you.

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Christophe Dezissert
Christophe Dezissert3 months agoReplyReport spam


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Dave Baldwin
Dave Baldwin5 months agoReplyReport spam

Jose you are the master, absorbing sound

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Peter Varotsis
Peter Varotsis7 months agoReplyReport spam

Excellent music. Jose you are a master !

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progman8 months agoReplyReport spam


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Giacomo Guarrera
Giacomo Guarrera1 year agoReplyReport spam

good sound!

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Anibal Puccio
Anibal Puccio1 year agoReplyReport spam

Me gusta mucho!!

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Sid1 year agoReplyReport spam

Amazing sounds, great vibe, roll on summer!

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Mark Sims
Mark Sims1 year agoReplyReport spam

Love it

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Natuco Yoneda
Natuco Yoneda2 years agoReplyReport spam

awesome♡ wanna go to somewhere やばい

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Dariush Salehi
Dariush Salehi2 years agoReplyReport spam

Amazing music

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Mohamed Hanafy
Mohamed Hanafy2 years agoReplyReport spam


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Scott Hillier
Scott Hillier2 years agoReplyReport spam


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Jose Hernan Cataife
Jose Hernan Cataife2 years agoReplyReport spam


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Reinaldo Bertoni
Reinaldo Bertoni2 years agoReplyReport spam


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