
ANZ Bank's Shayne Elliott warns on overbuilding in apartment market

The high-rise construction boom that is transforming the skylines of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane will probably leave parts of these cities with too many apartments, ANZ chief executive Shayne Elliott says.

As figures showed a sharp fall in approvals for high-rise units, Mr Elliott on Wednesday said the bank was taking a more cautious view on this part of the property market, due to pockets of over-building.

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While Mr Elliott said this was not a "calamity", his view is consistent with many in the financial sector that parts of the apartment market are at risk of oversupply, which would likely cause prices to drop and is already weighing on rents.

The comment came as another senior banker, Bank of Queensland chairman Roger Davis, said a looming surge in apartment settlements in Brisbane and Melbourne was an "identifiable stress point in the economy" that needed close attention.

When Mr Elliott was asked if he was concerned about overheating in parts of Sydney and Melbourne's property market, he replied "yes", adding that prudent banks needed to monitor such risks.

"There are clearly parts of the market … mainly smallish apartments in Melbourne in particular, but also starting to be here in Sydney and Brisbane, and starting to be here a little bit in NSW, where there's over-building, and we would look to say there's going to be an excess of supply," he said at a Reuters event in Sydney.


"That doesn't mean it's a calamity or a disaster, but it does mean that you know, we should be cautious … and prices are high."

New Bureau of Statistics figures on Wednesday also showed building approvals fell 13 per cent in October, bucking market expectations for a 1.5 per cent rise.

The number of approvals for high-rise apartments dropped 40 per cent to a two-year low, though economists said this is a volatile series and there still appeared to be solid construction activity on the horizon.

Even so, Westpac economist Matthew Hassan said it was "the clearest signal yet that Australia's high rise-driven dwelling construction boom is starting to turn down".

BoQ's Mr Davis also told shareholders at the bank's annual meeting that the lender was "naturally cautious" on residential property, pointing to settlement risk and high prices in east coast cities.

While arguing there was not an economy-wide housing bubble, he stressed that property prices in key areas were "high", and a coming risk was the high number of off-the-plan apartments due to be settled in Brisbane and Melbourne, especially.

"Arguably a looming 'settlement bulge' in Melbourne and closer to home, in Brisbane, is creating an identifiable stress point in the economy which needs to be closely monitored," Mr Davis said.

The warning from Mr Davis echoes commentary from the Reserve Bank, which predicts that over the next two years builders will complete 16,000 units in Melbourne, 12,000 in Brisbane, and 10,000 in Sydney.

Banks are already reporting a growing number of buyers are struggling to settle on time because they are unable to obtain finance, though they say most settlements are still eventually proceeding. Some bank valuations of properties are also below what buyers have agreed to pay in their contracts, the RBA said last month.

House prices have jumped 10.6 per cent in the last year in Sydney and 9.1 per cent in Melbourne.

In the longer-term, Mr Elliott said prices had been pumped up by a sharp increase in household indebtedness and a shortage of supply in some areas.

Foreign investment in property, especially from China, had also added extra heat to the market in recent years, though he said this was not a key driver.

"An element of the market is being driven by foreign investor money, and a lot of that is coming from China … In reality it is important and you should focus on it, but it is not the main driver," he said. 
