

Kip & Co - Rainbow Wool Rug - 101 x 51cm, 100% wool

Two new rugs from Kip & Co to add quirk and colour to their rooms

Trust Kip & Co to come up with something new and groovy just as we head into peak gift-giving season. Two new rugs have just been released from this innovative home decor company which has thrilled us with its quirky designs in bed linen, furniture and its many art product collaborations.

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How on earth do you decide between the 50-odd toothpastes on the supermarket shelves?

How to choose a tube of toothpaste

Choosing a toothbrush is relatively simple: dentists recommend brushing with a small-headed soft-bristled brush, for two minutes, twice a day. But how on earth do you decide between the 50-odd toothpastes on the supermarket shelves?

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Rise and shine.

5 ways to entertain early risers before it's time for school

It's 7am and my house is buzzing with activity. Breakfast has been and gone, school lunches have been packed and I'm already on my third cup of tea. My children, aged 5 and 7 are ready for school; they even have their shoes and socks on.

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