Children's Hospital delays testing WA Government's patience, Deputy Premier warns

Posted November 29, 2016 18:42:51

The Barnett Government has deflected suggestions it has lost control of the $1.2-billion Perth Children's Hospital project, with contractor John Holland set to miss yet another completion deadline.

John Holland was due to reach so-called "practical completion" of the building by tomorrow, but the Government has been told the building will not be ready.

The delay in completing the building means extended delays in commencing full commissioning.

It also makes it virtually impossible to meet Premier Colin Barnett's earlier pledge to open the hospital by the end of 2016, and casts doubt over whether the hospital will be open by next year's state election.

The hospital is now about a year behind schedule, driven by early construction problems which were then compounded by the discovery this year of asbestos contamination in roof panels and lead in the hospital's water supplies.

Deputy Premier Liza Harvey said the problems were neither the cause nor the responsibility of Government.

"It is not in the interests of John Holland and others who are involved in the construction of the Children's Hospital to have this go on. It's bad for them. It's bad for the Government," she said.

"The onus is on the contractor to get the job done."

With the failure to meet the November 30 deadline, there is no revised date for the completion of the building.

But Mrs Harvey rejected suggestions the Government had lost control of the project.

"No, not at all," she told reporters.

"The Minister is putting pressure on the contractor to complete the job, but we are not prepared to have the hospital handed over to us until its ready and fit for purpose."

Delays testing patience of Government

Arriving at Cabinet yesterday, Health Minister John Day was left to hope the building would be finished soon.

"We hope that practical completion will be in December, yes. But this has gone on far too long," he said.

"It's extremely frustrating from the Government's point of view. But we just have to deal with it and ensure that things are done properly and safely."

Mrs Harvey said the Government had a "high interest" in having the hospital open by the next state election on March 11.

But she said the drive to have it completed was about delivering the hospital to the public, not collecting political credit.

"This isn't about who gets to have their name on the brass plaque at the hospital," she said.

"It's about a significant investment in the health of children in Western Australia being completed."

Mrs Harvey had a simple message for the contractor.

"Get the job done to the standard we expect. We want our children and our staff at PMH to be operating out of the new facility," she said.

"We wanted that a while ago. We've been very patient but our patience is wearing very thin."

WA Labor leader Mark McGowan said while the Government could be justifiably criticised for the delays and problems at the hospital, it should not rush the completion or commissioning of the facility ahead of the election.

"I don't want to see it rushed for artificial deadlines," he said.

"I want it to be safe and children's health and lives not to be put at risk.

"The hospital has been delayed so many times now. There's been lead in the water, asbestos in the roof. For God's sake, make sure when it's opened, it's safe and ready to be opened."

Topics: healthcare-facilities, health, nedlands-6009