indigenous struggles

December 2016

The cold is settling in but the mood of Standing Rock is warm with solidarity. On Friday, Nov. 18, the International Indigenous Youth Council led a ceremony of 500 water protectors. We called for the release of Oglala Lakota tribal member Red Fawn Fallis, wrongly charged with firing at police and attempted murder.

December 2016

Indian-led encampments on Standing Rock Sioux territory are digging in for the North Dakota winter. They are determined to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. And they are not alone, as thousands upon thousands join their bold struggle to save planet resources and peoples.

Already they have won a temporary victory from the government to halt the digging, but Dakota Access is moving equipment to tunnel under the Missouri River at Lake Oahe. And the Norway-based bank DNB has sold its pipeline assets and may terminate loans.

December 2016

We live in times so poverty stricken, turbulent, repressive and violent that the majority of people can hardly breathe. That’s why they’re rising up in every corner of the world. Syria’s insurrection, a proud part of the Arab Spring in 2011, is a breathtaking example.

December 2016

Winning the release of imprisoned community police leader Nestora Salgado, jailed for two-and-a-half years in Mexico on trumped-up charges of kidnapping, was a thrilling victory for international working class solidarity, especially in a time of deep-seated reaction.

diciembre de 2016

Conseguir la liberación de la líder de la policía comunitaria, Nestora Salgado, presa durante dos años y medio en México bajo falsas acusaciones de secuestro, fue una emocionante victoria para la solidaridad de la clase obrera internacional, especialmente en una época de profunda reacción.

November 21, 2016

Police Attack Unarmed Water Protectors w/ Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas, and Water Cannons; 160+ injured

Cannon Ball, ND – Water protectors attempting to clear two damaged military trucks from Highway 1806 were met with a militarized response by law enforcement working to ensure the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Police used tear gas, water cannons, rubber bullets, concussion grenades, and more crowd control munitions.

November 2016

Report from Standing Rock

Day 5, November 19, 2016 – Actions, debates and solidarity at Standing Rock

The cold is coming in, but the mood of Standing Rock is warm. Patrick Burns and I continue to learn each day about the thousands of people at camp --where they are from, what moved them to come, what they want to contribute, and where they think the movement needs to go from here.

October 2016

Demanding an end to abuse of Indigenous youth in detention

Abuse of Indigenous youth has been in the headlines again recently in Australia.

Pine Gap: 50 years of U.S. & Australian imperialist collaboration

Pine Gap: 50 years of U.S. & Australian imperialist collaboration
Michael Clark
issue 24
October 2016

The Joint Defence Facility at Pine Gap, Australia is possibly the most important U.S. intelligence gathering facility outside of that country. It collects many different types of data to aid the U.S. imperialist war machine. It also aids Australia’s own military imperialism in this region and has done so for 50 years.

Abuse of Aboriginal kids sparks mass protests – Let’s build a movement to WIN!

Abuse of Aboriginal kids sparks mass protests – Let’s build a movement to WIN!
Alison Thorne
issue 24
October 2016

In late July, a Four Corners investigative report, titled Australia’s Shame, exposed the brutal abuse of Aboriginal youth in the Don Dale Juvenile Detention Centre in Darwin. Kids were routinely held in isolation for weeks at a time in cells with no running water and little natural light. Graphic CCTV footage showed six teens being doused with ten bursts of noxious tear gas in less than two minutes. One of them, Dylan Voller, was just 13 years old. The restraint chairs and spit hoods, used to restrain children, were reminiscent of Guantanamo Bay.

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