
Trans-Tasman Union Beat: Workers organising in Australia & Aotearoa

Trans-Tasman Union Beat: Workers organising in Australia & Aotearoa
Alison Thorne and Alex Cole
issue 24
October 2016

Making history!

Early childhood educators, who are members of the United Voice union, made history on 7 September, Equal Pay Day: they walked off the job, closing many childcare centres. They’ve been organising for pay justice for several years through the Big Steps campaign. Up to now, they’ve held weekend rallies, but this was their first stopwork action ever.

Pine Gap: 50 years of U.S. & Australian imperialist collaboration

Pine Gap: 50 years of U.S. & Australian imperialist collaboration
Michael Clark
issue 24
October 2016

The Joint Defence Facility at Pine Gap, Australia is possibly the most important U.S. intelligence gathering facility outside of that country. It collects many different types of data to aid the U.S. imperialist war machine. It also aids Australia’s own military imperialism in this region and has done so for 50 years.

Abuse of Aboriginal kids sparks mass protests – Let’s build a movement to WIN!

Abuse of Aboriginal kids sparks mass protests – Let’s build a movement to WIN!
Alison Thorne
issue 24
October 2016

In late July, a Four Corners investigative report, titled Australia’s Shame, exposed the brutal abuse of Aboriginal youth in the Don Dale Juvenile Detention Centre in Darwin. Kids were routinely held in isolation for weeks at a time in cells with no running water and little natural light. Graphic CCTV footage showed six teens being doused with ten bursts of noxious tear gas in less than two minutes. One of them, Dylan Voller, was just 13 years old. The restraint chairs and spit hoods, used to restrain children, were reminiscent of Guantanamo Bay.

Build the movement to stop the far right: Phillip Galea and the fascist danger

Build the movement to stop the far right: Phillip Galea and the fascist danger
issue 24
October 2016

When Victorian and federal police raided the home of Phillip Galea in August and charged him with planning a terrorist act, Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF) issued the following statement.

One Nation legitimises fascist ideas! The time to stop Hansonism is now!

One Nation legitimises fascist ideas – The time to stop Hansonism is now!
Debbie Brennan
issue 24
October 2016

“I’m back — but not alone.” Pauline Hanson, leader of the extreme-right One Nation party, made a parliamentary comeback in Australia’s federal election this past July. These taunting words are from her “maiden” speech to Parliament on September 15.

In 1996 Hanson was elected to the House of Representatives, but lost her seat two years later. Back then, she said Asians were taking over the country. Twenty years later, she warns, “Now we are in danger of being swamped by Muslims”—who, she claims, will commit terror and impose sharia law.

Stand with public sector workers – Resist state interference in the union movement

Stand with public sector workers – Resist state interference in the union movement
issue 23
June 2016

There’s a global assault on public sector workers. Economic convulsions are sweeping Europe. Public workers—under attack from Greece to Spain and Ireland—are staggering from years of wage and pension cuts and layoffs. The story is the same in the U.S., where collective bargaining rights are threatened and pensions simply disappear as cities, such as Detroit, declare themselves bankrupt. In the UK, after three years of massive public sector strikes against austerity, the Tories are pushing a bill which would almost completely remove the right to strike.

Ready to fight, but which way forward for the CPSU this election season?

Ready to fight, but which way forward for the CPSU this election season?
issue 23
June 2016

On June 30, it will be three years since most public servants got their last pay increase. Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to rise and workers face jobs cuts at every turn. But it is not only workloads that are increasing. The anger and determination of members of the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) also continues to grow. Workers are determined not to accept agreements with weakened conditions and pathetic pay offers. The Coalition government’s bargaining framework is one big mess.

A forced “homecoming” tragedy: Stop the deportation of New Zealanders from Australia!

A forced “homecoming” tragedy: Stop the deportation of New Zealanders from Australia!
Alex Cole
issue 23
June 2016

Rob Peihopa was only 16 in 1989 when he moved from New Zealand to Australia. He was a 42-year-old in April this year when he returned. But Rob did not return to resettle; he returned in a casket, to be buried in Auckland.

Peihopa is one a growing number of victims of Australia’s brutal immigration laws. Despite having lived in Australia for 27 years, Rob’s life came to an end inside the Villawood Immigration Detention Centre in Sydney. The newly-named Department of Immigration and Border Protection had detained Rob and were pressing to deport him.

Narre Warren: New battleground against Islamophobia and Fascism

Narre Warren: New battleground against Islamophobia and Fascism
Michael Clark
issue 23
June 2016

In an atmosphere of Islamophobic hysteria, applications for building mosques in Australia have become a lightening rod for the far right. In Victoria it started in 2012, when the rabidly anti-Muslim, evangelical Christian Danny Nalliah railed against (but failed to prevent) a mosque being built next to his own Catch the Fire Ministries in Doveton on Melbourne’s outskirts. Nalliah claimed that mosques are breeding grounds for terrorists.

Make the links: Far-right attack on Safe Schools Coalition is part of a broad agenda

Make the links: Far-right attack on Safe Schools Coalition is part of a broad agenda
Angie Thom
issue 23
June 2016

In March this year, Prime Minister Turnbull announced that his government would not continue funding the Safe Schools Coalition. This innovative anti-bullying program was rolled out nationally in 2011 to address the fact that two-thirds of LGBTIQ kids are being bullied at school.

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