San Francisco

New Valencia Hall

747 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
(located seven blocks from Civic Center BART and on or near the #19, 31, 47, 48 & 49 Muni bus lines.)

Phone: 415-864-1278.

Public Hours
Monday through Friday, 1:00-5:00pm. Or call for an appointment!

New Valencia Hall is available for rent. Call for more information

San Francisco Statements and News
FSP Recommendations for Bay Area Voters

Friday, December 2, 7:00pm

Public forum on the meaning of Trump’s victory—and what’s next

Nationwide, protests are erupting to reject the election of demagogue Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency. Feeling ignored by the two major parties, many voters turned to Trump as a Washington outsider. With half of the country in anger and fear, how can activists join together to defend workers and all oppressed people? Come discuss how to best organize for a working class victory against the racist, sexist, and homophobic onslaught of the rightwing.

-Kristina Lee, Queer, biracial political science student and rape counselor who supported Bernie Sanders in the primaries.
-Sam Rubin, special education teacher and disability rights activist who supports socialist electoral slates.

Everyone welcome.

Friday, December 2, 7:00pm
Hearty snacks available 6:00pm
Door donation $2-5, snack plate $5 donation

New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St., San Francisco
(7 blocks from Civic Center BART & on #19, 31, 38, 47 & 49 Muni bus lines.)

Monday, January 16, 11:00 am

March with FSP to celebrate MLK Jr. Day

Meet at the Lefty O'Doul Bridge near AT&T; Park. 415-864-1278 or