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A radical socialist feminist party with a big heart and an internationalist viewpoint that organizes at the grassroots and throughout the social and labor movements for revolution in our time.

Do you think hungry children and homelessness in the richest country in the world is a damn shame? Does the Pentagon getting billions while people on social security, welfare and Medicare get cut backs make you question the soundness of the system?

If so, check out the Freedom Socialist Party, an organization that gives you the chance to live up to your highest ideals while putting your sense of outrage to constructive use.

Our branches and international sections work collectively on a daily basis around socialist principles. We share the joy and the responsibility that go with organizing for civil rights and liberties, affirmative action, and immigrant rights. Join the party and whatever your abilities and knowledge, they will be put to use in an innovative and fulfilling way. In return, you will receive a high quality political education in labor history and Marxist theory.

Belonging to the FSP is a serious commitment, so it’s wise for prospective members and party organizers to get to know each other first. If you live in a city with a local branch, just call and make an appointment to talk to the organizer. He or she will recommend that you read some of the party’s basic position statements. If you agree with what you read and are willing to abide by majority rule, make a monthly pledge, and promote the party’s ideas, we want YOU!

If you do not live in a city where there is already a branch, you can write the FSP National Office or use the online contact form.