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Ta'Ta’Sina Sapa Win

Environment & Indigenous Rights

Interview with Ta’Sina Sapa Win

Ta’Sina Sapa Win from the International Indigenous Youth Council on winterizing and mobilizing water protectors.

Environment & Indigenous Rights

Report from Standing Rock: November 19

Actions, debates and solidarity at Standing Rock.

From the Archives

The life and times of the multifaceted Ann Rogers

Our December 2013 profile of Ann Rogers: a Native American feminist, anti-fascist and unionist.

Aboriginal youth protest

Indigenous Rights

Abuse of Aboriginal kids sparks mass protests – Let’s build a movement to WIN!

Those who were surprised have not been paying attention.

Trump protest


No business as usual: Trump’s triumph and what’s next

So it goes in a two-party duopoly where the voters have no party of their own to fight for them. (English, español)

Clara Fraser


Freedom Socialist Party – Then and Now

2016 is the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Socialist Party. This video explores some of what we have accomplished during that time.

Tents and the LA skyline

oppressed groups

Homelessness in LA

There are 47,000 homeless people in Los Angeles County. Read that figure again, and be outraged. The local politicians certainly aren’t. Here are some good solutions.

fsp header

Welcome! The U.S. Freedom Socialist Party is a revolutionary, socialist feminist organization, dedicated to the replacement of capitalist rule by a genuine workers' democracy that will guarantee full economic, social, political and legal equality to all who are exploited, oppressed and repelled by the profit system and its offshoot—imperialism.

We are unionists, antiwar activists, free speech advocates, environmentalists, gay freedom fighters and rebellious people of color and youth. There are branches of the party in San Francisco, New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles and Portland and a sympathizing section in Australia. Our sister organization Radical Women is the leftwing of the feminist movement and the feminist wing of the socialist movement.

Learn more about the party by subscribing to the bimonthly Freedom Socialist newspaper. It carries analysis, commentary, humor, and cartoons on the worldwide struggle for human emancipation. Or order books and pamphlets by socialist feminist theorists and revolutionary poets from Red Letter Press, the party's publishing house.