New era taking shape

Donald Trump’s early cabinet nominations are in line with his conspiratorial rightism. Paul Demarty assesses the reaction

Among the great and the good of Twitter, we observe a great divide: between those whose 140-character witticisms are the product of their own minds and hands, and those whose social media profiles are plainly the domain of ‘their people’ - PRs, assistants, interns, apparatchiks, automated chatbots.

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Distinction; Price tag; Pure Marxism; Lesser evils; Little England; Huff off; Driving force; Knock-out; Wealthy few

Iran deal dead and buried

How will the Trump presidency impact on the Middle East? Yassamine Mather looks at the possibilities

A welcome for Trump and Bannon

Anti-Semitism has never been a problem for Zionism, observes Tony Greenstein

Confused reformism

Hillel Ticktin lambasts the shadow chancellor’s economic timidity

Defend founding principles

Ensure the enthusiasm for Corbyn is not wasted, urges medical archaeologist Robert Arnott

It ain’t dark yet

Rex Dunn reviews: Philip K Dick, 'Do androids dream of electric sheep?' Free download:

Strengths and weaknesses

Ian Birchall looks at the valuable work of Alfred Rosmer - in particular his book Lenin’s Moscow. This is an edited version of the talk given at Communist University in August 2016

Not a private matter

Instead of ducking the question, writes Eddie Ford, Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell should be fighting for republican democracy

£557 still needed

Robbie Rix will be only too pleased to hear the solidarity rolling in

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