Support » Plugin: All In One WP Security & Firewall » Automatically block IP addresses of "admin" and other known bad usernames

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  • I would love to have this feature in AIOWPSF too!

    Plugin Contributor wpsolutions


    We’ll see what we can do.

    Thread Starter game writer


    Thanks guys! (And chesio 🙂

    Plugin Contributor wpsolutions


    This is resolved since the addition of the “Instantly Lockout Invalid Usernames” checkbox in the Login Lockdown settings.

    Well, the reason why I had never used “instant lockout” is that any mistyped or mistaken username is immediately blocked and on my websites it would do more damage than good.

    The idea here is to only block IPs that try to log in using specific usernames (configured in plugin settings). I’ll have a look how hard this would be to implement.

    Thread Starter game writer


    Thank you Chesio…! That’s exactly it.

    For example, IMHO every site should autoblock any IP that tries to log in with the invalid username “admin”. But I don’t want to be blocked immediately if I have a typo in my username.

    Honestly the “Instantly Lockout Invalid Usernames” is a negative feature and I think it should be removed in future versions.


    The feature is now available in the plugin.

    Enjoy! 😉

    Thread Starter game writer


    This is in version 4.1.9, right? Where do I find it? I looked under User Accounts, User Login, Blacklist, Firewall, Brute Force, SPAM… couldn’t spot it.

    It is under User Login > Login Lockdown (below Instantly Lockout Invalid Usernames option).

    Thread Starter game writer


    Brilliant…! I look forward to greatly increased hacker frustration!

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