29 November 2016

Obama extends global reach of US Special Operations death squads

By Patrick Martin, 29 November 2016

The global mandate of the new formation means US death squads could be sent virtually anywhere, from European cities to South American jungles, including in the United States itself.

US-backed “rebels” face rout in Aleppo

By Bill Van Auken, 29 November 2016

Syrian government forces have seized some 40 percent of the area previously controlled by militias led by the Al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front.

Israel carries out airstrikes against ISIS ally in Syria

By Jean Shaoul, 29 November 2016

Sunday’s airstrikes highlight the increasing danger of a wider war involving nuclear-armed powers.

Syrian war threatens to escalate as Turkey accuses Damascus of attacking its troops

US arms Syrian Islamists with surface-to-air missiles

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Trump considers asset stripper Wilbur Ross for commerce secretary

By Evan Winters, 29 November 2016

Ross made billions destroying the pensions, jobs and living standards of steel, coal, auto and textile workers.

Trump election boosts anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic attacks

By our reporter, 29 November 2016

Obama denounces recount effort

Republican Congress, Trump plan assault on Medicare

Trump names opponent of public schools to head Department of Education

More on the 2016 US elections »

Ohio State University attack leaves 11 injured, suspect dead

By Evan Blake, 29 November 2016

The alleged shooter had expressed concern about his ability to pray on campus due to the negative image of Muslims presented in the media.

Virginia declares opioid addiction a public health emergency

By Brad Dixon, 29 November 2016

The pharmaceutical industry, which has contributed to the opioid epidemic, is now hiking the price of naloxone, the treatment for opioid overdoses.

"No" vote in Italian referendum could spark banking crisis

By Nick Beams, 29 November 2016

Finance capital sees the referendum as a test of whether Prime Minister Renzi can push though “market restructuring” of the banking system and deepen attacks on the working class.

Austrian presidential election: Social Democrats court the far-right Freedom Party

By Markus Salzmann, 29 November 2016

Just days before the presidential election, the Austrian Social Democratic Party has paved the way for cooperation with the Freedom Party.

Poverty on the rise in Europe

By Elisabeth Zimmermann, 29 November 2016

According to the latest study by the Bertelsmann Foundation, 118 million people live in poverty in the EU. This equates to one in four EU citizens.

British government steps up attacks on state pensions

By Danny Richardson and Robert Stevens, 29 November 2016

The implications for pensioners of the recommendations of the Work and Pensions Select Committee are disastrous.

Huge growth in “precarious employment” in the UK

Colombian government signs revised peace deal with FARC

By Andrea Lobo, 29 November 2016

The government’s unpopularity has been deepened by its attempt to employ the discredited leadership of the FARC as a left cover.

Deepening social crisis underpins South Korean protests

By Ben McGrath, 29 November 2016

The hostility to Park is being fuelled not only by allegations of corruption but more broadly by her government's attack on working and living conditions.

Nearly two million people demand South Korean president’s removal

New in French

L’héritage politique de Fidel Castro

Par Bill Van Auken, 29 novembre 2016

L’héritage de Castro ne peut pas être évalué uniquement à travers le prisme de Cuba, mais doit tenir compte de l’impact de ses politiques à l’échelle internationale et surtout en Amérique latine.

Le budget allemand 2017 : des milliards pour l’armée et la guerre

Par Johannes Stern, 29 novembre 2016

Près de trois ans depuis que le président Gauck et le gouvernement allemand ont annoncé la fin de la limitation militaire, un renforcement massif de l’armée est au centre du budget.

New in Turkish

Fidel Castro’nun siyasi mirası

Bill Van Auken, 29 Kasım 2016

Castro’nun mirası, yalnızca Küba prizmasından bakarak değerlendirilemez. Onun politikalarının, başta Latin Amerika olmak üzere, uluslararası ölçekteki etkilerinin de göz önünde bulundurulması gerekir.

IYSSE Berlin Humboldt Üniversitesi’ndaki 2017 öğrenci meclisi seçimlerine katılıyor

Muhabirlerimizden, 29 Kasım 2016

Toplumsal Eşitlik İçin Uluslararası Gençlik ve Öğrenciler (IYSEE), Öğrenci Meclisi seçimlerine, militarizme ve savaşa; toplumsal eşitsizliğin büyümesine ve sağın yükselişine karşı bir hareket inşa etmek amacıyla katılıyor.

Türkiye Şam’ı askerlerine saldırmakla suçladı: Suriye savaşı tırmanma tehlikesi oluşturuyor

Jordan Shilton, 29 Kasım 2016

Bu olay, Ankara ile Şam arasında zaten var olan gerilimleri, büyük güçler arasında doğrudan çatışma riski yaratacak şekilde, topyekün bir savaşa dönüştürme tehlikesi oluşturmaktadır.

Trump’ın seçilmesi Türkiye’nin NATO müttefikleriyle anlaşmazlıklarını tırmandırıyor

Halil Çelik, 29 Kasım 2016

AKP, Trump’ın ABD başkanı seçilmesinden bu yana, NATO’dan uzaklaşıp Çin’e doğru olası bir jeo-stratejik kaymanın işaretini verirken, kendi otoriter gündemini daha da ilerletmiş durumda.

Trump bir savaş kabinesi oluştururken Kremlin daha iyi ilişkiler umuyor

Andrea Peters, 29 Kasım 2016

Kremlin, gerginlikleri azaltacağı ve “terörle mücadele”de ortak eylem temelinde bir uzlaşma sağlayacağı umuduyla Donald Trump’ın seçilmesini memnuniyetle karşıladı.

New in German

Fidel Castros politisches Vermächtnis

Bill Van Auken, 29. November 2016

Castros Vermächtnis lässt sich nicht auf Kuba beschränken. Man muss auch die Auswirkungen seiner Politik auf den Rest der Welt und vor allem auf Lateinamerika berücksichtigen.

Fidel Castro und kleinbürgerlich nationalistische Politik

Bill Van Auken, 29. November 2016

Dieser Vortrag wurde am 7. Januar 1998 auf der internationalen Sommerschulung der Socialist Equality Party (Australien) zum Thema Marxismus und die Grundprobleme des 20. Jahrhunderts in Sydney gehalten.

F.A.Z. und CDU-Politiker fordern Atomwaffen

Johannes Stern, 29. November 2016

Nachdem der Bundestag am Freitag beschlossen hat, den Militärhaushalt in den kommenden Jahren massiv aufzustocken, beginnt nun eine Diskussion über die atomare Bewaffnung der Bundeswehr.

Frankreich: Fillon gewinnt die Vorwahlen bei den rechten Parteien

Alex Lantier, 29. November 2016

Fillons Sieg als Kandidat der Republikaner bedeutet eine Verschärfung der Sparpolitik und von Nationalismus und Militarismus.

Vor der Präsidentschaftswahl in Österreich
Sozialdemokraten hofieren rechtsextreme FPÖ

Markus Salzmann, 29. November 2016

Wenige Tage vor der Bundespräsidentenwahl in Österreich hat die Sozialdemokratische Partei (SPÖ) den Weg für eine Zusammenarbeit mit der rechtsradikalen Freiheitlichen Partei (FPÖ) frei gemacht.

Lufthansa-Piloten streiken weiter

Dietmar Henning, 29. November 2016

Ein Versuch der Fluggesellschaft, die Fortsetzung des Pilotenstreiks per Gericht verbieten zu lassen, ist am Montagmittag gescheitert.

Berlin: MAN-Beschäftigte demonstrieren gegen Stellenstreichungen

unserem Reporterteam, 29. November 2016

Mehrere Hundert Beschäftigte des MAN Diesel & Turbo Werks in Berlin demonstrierten am Montag für den Erhalt ihrer Arbeitsplätze.

Fidel Castro und kleinbürgerlich nationalistische Politik

Von Bill Vann, 7. Januar 1998

Dieser Vortrag wurde am 7. Januar 1998 auf der internationalen Sommerschulung der Socialist Equality Party (Australien) zum Thema Marxismus und die Grundprobleme des 20. Jahrhunderts in Sydney gehalten.

Other Languages


The political issues in the campaign for a recount in the US elections

29 November 2016

Three weeks after the US presidential election, the political crisis triggered by the initiative to recount the vote in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania is escalating.

Earlier Perspectives »


Silent Night: A moving contemporary opera on the 1914 Christmas truce

By Fred Mazelis, 29 November 2016

The opera has received almost a dozen productions since its premiere five years ago.

The “Mark Twain of jazz” dies at 89
Mose Allison: 1927-2016

By James Brewer, 26 November 2016

Bleed for This and The Edge of Seventeen: Are these any match for the times?

Leonard Cohen (1934-2016) dies at 82

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Reverse the rejection of club status for the International Youth and Students for Social Equality!
An open letter to the New York University Student Activities Board

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 29 November 2016

Earlier this month, the Student Activities Board of NYU, in an act of political censorship, blocked the IYSSE from establishing a club on campus.

IYSSE to stand candidates in 2017 student parliament election at Berlin’s Humboldt University

By our correspondent, 26 November 2016

Germany: Humboldt University Student Parliament opposes military advertising at university

Humboldt University Professor Sandkühler’s response to the IYSSE: A declaration of intellectual bankruptcy

Oppose right-wing ideology at Humboldt University: An open letter to Professor Thomas Sandkühler

The Fight for Historical Truth at Humboldt University »

Australia: IYSSE establishes student club at the University of Melbourne

By our reporters, 24 November 2016

Mehring Books


23 November 2016

All titles discounted from 10 percent to 50 percent during our annual holiday sale. Week 1: The Russian Revolution.

NEW! Available for your eReader from Mehring Books
Globalization and the International Working Class: A Marxist Assessment

17 November 2016

Mehring Books is offering this analysis of the transformation of world economy, first published in 1998 and now out of print, for both ePub and Kindle eReaders.


Fillon presidential bid in France exposes bankruptcy of NPA backing of Hollande

By Alice Laurençon, 29 November 2016

Responsibility for the rise of Fillon and the far right lies above all with organizations like the NPA, which have blocked opposition to the PS from the left.

France: Fillon wins presidential primary of right-wing parties

The political legacy of Fidel Castro

By Bill Van Auken, 28 November 2016

Castroism and the Politics of Petty-Bourgeois Nationalism

Federal judge blocks new Obama administration overtime rules

By Shannon Jones, 28 November 2016

Lufthansa makes new offer to striking pilots

By Dietmar Henning, 28 November 2016

“Buried alive by the National Coal Board”
The Aberfan disaster in Wales 50 years on

By Margot Miller, 28 November 2016

Thanksgiving 2016 and the social crisis in America

2016 Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony
Obama awards those who “have helped make me who I am”

Socialist Equality Party

Sri Lankan workers and students discuss Trump’s election

By our correspondents, 29 November 2016

Many people were keen to discuss with SEP and IYSSE campaigners the shift in world politics reflected in Trump’s victory.

New Zealand: Socialist Equality Group holds public meeting on US election outcome

By our reporters, 29 November 2016

The public meeting in Auckland presented a Marxist assessment of Trump’s victory to an audience of mostly young workers and students.

Sri Lankan SEP holds meeting in Jaffna on the socialist alternative to nationalism and war

By our correspondents, 28 November 2016

Report by Julie Hyland to the Third National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

By Julie Hyland, 21 November 2016

Report to the Third National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)

Socialist Equality Party (UK) 2016 Congress resolutions
Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party: The strategic lessons

Socialist Equality Party (UK) 2016 Congress resolutions
For a new socialist movement against militarism, austerity and war

Meetings on the US elections

SEP and IYSSE public meetings
The election of Donald Trump: The political issues facing workers and youth

SEP public meeting in Colombo: The international implications of Trump’s election

Public meetings in New Zealand and Australia
The political causes and international implications of Trump’s election: A Marxist assessment

25 years ago: Pan American World Airways ends operations

On Wednesday, December 4, 1991, one-time industry giant Pan American World Airways shut down operations and grounded all its aircraft after running out of cash.

More »

50 year ago: Jordanian troops clash with Syria

On December 2, 1966, Jordanian troops crossed the border into Syria in pursuit of alleged terrorist infiltrators, sparking an exchange of acrimonious charges by both governments.

More »

75 years ago: Nazi special forces massacre German Jews in Lithuania

On November 29, 1941, Nazi forces carried out their second mass killing of Jews in four days in Lithuania.

More »


100 years ago: British government takes over coal mines

On November 29, 1916, the British government of Liberal Prime Minister David Lloyd George announced that from December 1 it would assume direct control of all coal mines in South Wales, a hotbed of working class militancy.

More »

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: the Americas

29 November 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

After six-month lockout, workers reject UAW-Honeywell ultimatum

By Jerry White, 26 November 2016

Sharp Healthcare nurses in San Diego, California to begin three-day strike

By Marko Leone, 26 November 2016

GE Appliances workers in Louisville, Kentucky reject concessions deal

By Shannon Jones, 26 November 2016

International Committee of the Fourth International

The International Committee of the Fourth International founds its French section

By our reporter, 15 November 2016

Build the Socialist Equality Party (France)!

15 November 2016

November 5 Antiwar Conference

SEP candidate Jerry White addresses Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference

Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference
The global crisis and the danger of world war

Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference
SEP’s vice presidential candidate Niles Niemuth reviews lessons of the Sanders campaign

Socialism vs Capitalism and War conference
SEP candidate for West Virginia House of Delegates Naomi Spencer speaks on the social crisis in Appalachia