List of open access projects

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Some of the most important open access publishing projects or lists of such projects are listed below.

OA software[edit]

OA journal software[edit]

Free, open source software for open access journal publishing is available for those wishing to start up new journals, for example, the Open Journal Systems (OJS) developed by the Public Knowledge Project and HyperJournal developed by volunteers, but now partially funded by the political science faculty of Pisa University. While OJS and HyperJournal are designed for academic publishing, they can be used by anyone; for instance there is a group of grade 8 girls in Vancouver, British Columbia, who use OJS to publish their own peer-reviewed journal.

OA repository software[edit]

Free, open source software for creating open access Institutional Repositories is available for institutions who do not yet have a repository, for example:

Institutional and central repositories[edit]

For a more comprehensive list, see List of repositories.

A repository is different from a journal. It includes peer-reviewed journal articles from many journals self-archived by their authors, as well as other kinds of material. Most repositories are distributed, institutional and cross-disciplinary, and some are central, cross-institutional and discipline-based. Here are some examples of central, discipline-based repositories (For Institutional Repositories, see Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR).

  • arXiv: Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Statistics, Quantitative Biology, Quant. Finance OA Archive (central)
  • ViXra: similar in spirit to arXiv, but more accepting of less-established ideas (central)
  • CogPrints: Cognitive Sciences OA Archive (central)
  • Citebase: Citation-linked browser (harvested from distributed websites)
  • Citeseer: Computer Science (harvested from distributed websites)
  • OpenMED@NIC: An open access archive for Medical and Allied Sciences
  • PubMed Central: the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature
  • Research Papers in Economics: a collaborative effort of over 100 volunteers in 45 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. The heart of the project is a decentralized database of working papers, journal articles and software components. All RePEc material is freely available.
  • NNMATH a project in progress to create an open access database of reviews of mathematical articles.
  • CSIR-Central - Central platform of CSIR India OAI-PMH Digital Repositories and Harvester service
  • Science-Central - Central platform of DST and DBT India OAI-PMH Digital Repositories and Harvester service]]

Harvesters and registries of repositories[edit]

Open access publishers[edit]

Some notable open access publishers are:

Publishers of hybrid open access journals[edit]

  • Springer (Offers open access as an option in all its 1200+ journals)
  • Elsevier (Offers open access as an option in many of its 2000+ journals)

Lists of open access journals (all fields, not institution-specific)[edit]

For a more comprehensive list, see List of open-access journals.
Main category: Open access journals

Lists of open access journals limited to certain fields[edit]

Other OA content[edit]

Open access encyclopedias[edit]

Open access image databases[edit]

  • CAPL: Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon Multilingual, visual lexicon from Washington & Jefferson College
  • Digital Public Library of America
  • New York Public Library Digital Gallery
  • German National Image Database for Art and Architecture

Policies and timelines[edit]

  • Peter Suber's list of the better lists
  • Registry of Open Access Repository Material Archiving Policies (ROARMAP)
  • ROMEO/Eprints Registry of Journal Self-Archiving Policies
  • SHERPA/RoMEO Registry of Publisher Self-Archiving Policies
  • Peter Suber's lists related to the OA movement
  • Peter Suber's list of OA-related conferences and workshops
  • Peter Suber's timeline of the OA movement
  • Peter Suber's list of what you can do to promote open access
  • An Open Letter to the U.S. Congress Signed by 25 Nobel Prize Winners (August 26, 2004) in support of a bill requiring all research funded by the National Institutes of Health to be published in an open access form

Other open access resources[edit]

  • Open Access to Scientific Literature - OASE
  • PLEIADI: Portal for the Italian Electronic Literature in Open and Institutional Archives
  • Beyond Open Access: Open Discourse, the next great equalizer, Retrovirology 2006, 3:55

OA Volunteer Support Group[edit]

  • Australian Open Access Support Group
  • Malaysian Open Access Support Group
  • Open Access India
  • Open Access Nepal
  • Open Access Africa
  • Open Access Tunisie
  • Open Access in Arab Countries
  • Open Access Pakistan
  • Open Access to Italian Research
  • Acceso Abierto (Open Access) y Métricas Alternativas (Altmetrics)
  • Open Access Week- Philippines

Open access research tools[edit]

  • FreeFullPDF Search engine for multidisciplinary free scientific papers
  • JURN a search-engine for 3,800 open ejournals in the arts and humanities
  • Open Medical Abstracts an abstracting service covering hundreds of open ejournals in medical sciences and clinical practice.

Tracking open access developments[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ "Open Access at the University of Pittsburgh". University of Pittsburgh Library System. Retrieved 7 July 2016. 
  2. ^ " -". Retrieved 7 July 2016.