01:58 pm

Stress Continues Stressy: blog continues incoherent and rambly

- 8 insane rants
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10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 4-4-2011

02:25 pm

Electoral Services: I know they're only doing thier job, but...

- 4 insane rants
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08:25 pm

Hipperholme and Lightcliffe ward: I is officially a candidate.

- 1 insane rant
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10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 5-4-2011

- 1 insane rant

01:19 am

Series of Doctor Who

- 2 insane rants
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10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 6-4-2011

01:26 pm

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em: Tory style

- 3 insane rants
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10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 8-4-2011

- 2 insane rants

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 9-4-2011

- 2 insane rants

09:57 pm

Theatre Review: Roald Dahl's Twisted Tales at the Playhouse, Liverpool

- 2 insane rants
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10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 12-4-2011

10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 14-4-2011

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 15-4-2011

01:03 pm

Why is it that the people with the worst taste in music...

- 3 insane rants
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10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 18-4-2011

- 2 insane rants

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 19-4-2011

12:45 am

Thank You Elisabeth Sladen

- 3 insane rants
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02:23 pm

Continual Lib Dem bashing by certain people is beginning to get me down.

- 42 insane rants
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10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 22-4-2011

- 1 insane rant

12:27 pm

Fannish Five: Five Favourite Fictional Marriages

- 5 insane rants
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10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 23-4-2011

01:19 pm

So you don't give a toss about the AV referendum?

- 7 insane rants
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02:00 pm


- 1 insane rant
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01:50 am

Doctor Who series 32 Episode 1: Only one disappointment

- 20 insane rants
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10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 24-4-2011

- 1 insane rant

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 25-4-2011

- 2 insane rants

10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 26-4-2011

01:58 pm

Rokt Climbing Gym: first impressions

- 3 insane rants
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07:29 pm

Rokt Climbing Gym: Second impressions

- 5 insane rants
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10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 27-4-2011

- 3 insane rants

02:33 am

Tron and Tron Legacy back to back

- 3 insane rants
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11:49 am

Regarding David Cameron's thoughtless sexism

- 10 insane rants
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10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 29-4-2011

10:42 pm

Thor 3D

- 14 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

01:34 am

Fannish Five: Five favourite royals

- 6 insane rants
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10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 30-4-2011

11:42 pm

Still digesting the day of the moon...

- 10 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

About This Blog

picture of Jennie Rigg

Hello! I'm Jennie (known to many as SB, due to my handle, or The Yorksher Gob because of my old blog's name). This blog is my public face; click here for a list of all the other places you can find me on t'interwebs.

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Charities I support:

The Survivors' Trust - donate here
DogsTrust - donate here
CAB - donate here


Creative Commons License
Miss SB by Jennie Rigg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Based on a work at miss-s-b.dreamwidth.org.

Please note that any and all opinions expressed in this blog are subject to random change at whim my own, and not necessarily representative of my party, or any of the constituent parts thereof (except myself, obviously).

Printed by Dreamwidth Studios, Maryland USA. Promoted by Jennie Rigg, of Brighouse, West Yorkshire.

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