
“The Hunt is on”: SAS Pursue UK Assets in Syria

14th November 2016 Finian Cunningham for Strategic Culture US President Barack Obama has just given the Pentagon orders to assassinate commanders of the Al Nusra terror network in Syria. American media reports over the weekend say the new urgency arises from US intelligence fears that al Qaeda-affiliated groups are preparing to mount terror attacks against Western targets…


EXCLUSIVE: RT’s Peter Lavelle Interviews Dr Ron Paul

14th November 2016 21st Century Wire says… In 2008 and 2012, Dr Ron Paul created a libertarian and paleoconservative insurency in America. The country had an opportunity to elect a real stateman and dedicated constitutionalist in Dr Paul, but unfortunately he could not overcome establishment gatekeepers within his own party, as well as in the corrupt US mainstream…


Vanessa Beeley, Cory Morningstar, Forrest Palmer: Deconstructing the Non-Profit Industrial Complex

13th November 2016 Cory Morningstar, Wrong Kind of Green “This introductory podcast introduces listeners to NGOs that comprise the non-profit industrial complex. Hand in hand with the Rockefellers, George Soros, Bill Gates and other powerful elites, NGOs are meticulously shaping global society by utilizing and building upon strategic psychological marketing, soft power, technology and social…


United Against Hate or Hate being United?

13th November 2016 Cory Morningstar at Wrong Kind of Green If Americans are seriously “united against hate” – why haven’t they united across the country against the murder/occupation/destabilizations of Haitians, Syrians, Libyans, Iraqis, Yemenis, etc. etc. – all carried out/expanded under the democrats? Trump hates and it’s ugly. Obama and Clinton kill but it’s beautiful…


Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood, a Match Made in US Deep State

November 13th 2016 Ferderico Pieraccini for Strategic Culture It all started with the FBI investigation regarding a ‘sexting’ scandal. A 15-year-old girl reported having received compromising photos from Anthony Weiner, former husband of Hillary Clinton’s top advisor Huma Abedin. It is the type of situation where the person of interest’s computing devices are reviewed by the FBI…