Fidel Castro has died - the Cuban revolution must live!

Written by Jorge Martín Monday, 28 November 2016

Fidel and Che - Public DomainAt 10.29 pm on Friday, November 26, the Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died at the age of 90. His brother Raul Castro announced the news to the Cuban population and the world around midnight in a televised speech. His death was not unexpected, as he had been ill for a number of years and had already stepped down from his formal political responsibilities, but still it came as a shock to both friends and enemies.


Communists against Stalin: the massacre of a generation – Preface to the book

Written by Alan Woods Friday, 25 November 2016

Trotskyist Left Opposition 1927 Public DomainBelow we publish the introduction to the first Italian edition of Pierre Broué’s book, Communists against Stalin: the massacre of a generation.


Filipino president Rodrigo Duterte leaning towards China - why?

Written by Daniel Morley Thursday, 24 November 2016

Duterte announce my separation from the United States… I have realigned myself in your [China’s] ideological flow… I will be dependent on you for all time.” “I will not go to America any more. We will just be insulted there. So time to say goodbye my friend.” “There are three of us against the world - China, Philippines and Russia. It’s the only way.” Rodrigo Duterte, new President of the Philippines, on his recent trip to China.


Theresa May: Capitalism’s dedicated servant

Written by Rob Sewell Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Theresa British Prime Minister, Theresa May, has announced that the government’s agenda is “unashamedly pro-business”. Millions of Britons who are gearing up for Christmas must be in a state of shock at this earth-shattering news that a Tory government is an “unashamed” supporter of big business.


Taiwan: Government cuts to workers’ holidays and indication of what is to come

Written by Parson Young Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Tsai an unsurprising turn of events in Taiwan, the new government led by the bourgeois Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has begun its assault on the working class, by continuing the previous KMT administration’s policy of lengthening the working hours by cutting holidays, and refusing to legislate for a full two day weekend.


US Election 2016: The Farce of American Democracy

Written by John Peterson Tuesday, 22 November 2016

two of_americas_most_unwanted_-_socialiste_appeal_usElectoral results provide an important, albeit imperfect snapshot of the mood in society at any given time. Although they cannot reflect the full complexity of the subterranean changes taking place, they do provide valuable insights. Processes that have been quietly evolving over years and decades suddenly surface and take form. In these results, over time, you can trace the demographic, economic, social, and ideological changes taking place beneath the surface of society, as reflected at the ballot box.


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Fidel Castro ha muerto - ¡la revolución cubana debe vivir!

Written by Jorge Martín Monday, 28 November 2016

Fidel and Che - Public DomainEn el viernes 26 de noviembre a las 10.29 de la noche hora local, el dirigente revolucionario cubano Fidel Castro murió a la edad de 90 años. Su hermano Raúl Castro anunció la noticia a la población cubana y el mundo alrededor de la medianoche, en un discurso televisado. Su muerte no fue inesperada, ya que había estado enfermo durante varios años y ya había renunciado a sus responsabilidades políticas formales, pero aún así fue un shock para amigos y enemigos.


La candidatura del EZLN y la necesidad de la unidad en la acción, pensemos en formas de articulación

Written by La Izquierda Socialista Thursday, 24 November 2016

EZLN anuncio del Quinto Congreso Nacional Indígena y el EZLN, el pasado 14 de octubre, acerca de la posibilidad de impulsar, bajo un programa anticapitalista, a una mujer indígena como candidato independiente para las elecciones presidenciales del 2018 ha abierto un debate entre la izquierda en nuestro país. Para algunos marca el inicio de la construcción de una organización diferente, una alternativa a los Partidos burgueses existentes, para otros se trata de un error sectario que favorece al régimen. Hay que retomar los elementos positivos de ambas críticas -que por separado son unilaterales-para superarlas de forma dialéctica, en la idea de que necesitamos la unidad en la lucha de las comunidades, los sindicatos, la juventud, Morena y el EZLN. Queremos contribuir positivamente, y de manera modesta, a ese debate desde posiciones marxistas.


¿A dónde va Podemos? Una aportación al debate interno

Written by David Rey Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Iglesias Errejon_-_PodemosEl debate interno que está teniendo lugar en Podemos tiene una enorme transcendencia, pues su resultado va a marcar el desarrollo futuro de la organización y, por extensión, de Unidos Podemos. Este debate se ha polarizado entre las posiciones de los máximos dirigentes de la organización, los compañeros Pablo Iglesias e Íñigo Errejón, y debe culminar en un congreso, la Asamblea Ciudadana Estatal, a comienzos de 2017.