
Mandatory swimming lessons a stroke of luck for cash-strapped parents

An ambitious plan to ensure that every student can swim 50 metres by the time they finish grade 6 could be a stroke of luck for cash-strapped parents – free lessons.

But the move has belly-flopped among principals, who are concerned they will have to absorb the cost of lessons, which were previously funded by parents.

The Andrews government announced on Monday that it would make swimming a mandatory part of the physical education curriculum in a bid to prevent drownings. But it did not commit any funding to the initiative, which will begin in term 1 next year.

Education Department rules state that parents cannot be charged for instruction in the standard curriculum program, which includes physical education.

Principals say this means schools will have to shoulder the costs of the lessons, which are between $65 to $80 per student every year. 

mcj100127 Henry Grossek, Principal of Berwick Lodge Primary School is in dispute with the Education department over the building of new facilities for his school. The Age/News, Picture Michael Clayton-Jones, Story Miki Perkins

Photo: Michael Clayton Jones


Berwick Lodge Primary School principal Henry Grossek (above) said his school charged $67 per student a year for optional swimming lessons, which included bus transport, pool entry and swimming instruction.

He said his school could have to spend up to $30,000 so that its 630 students meet the new target.

"This will throw our financial planning into turmoil," he said. "It is a worthy goal, but it is outrageous that they have not consulted us at all."

Mr Grossek anticipated that there may not be enough venues to accommodate so many swimming lessons. He said some parents were reluctant to enrol their children in swimming lessons for cultural reasons.  

 Julie Podbury, president of the Australian Principals Federation.

Julie Podbury, president of the Australian Principals Federation. Photo: Bridget Fitzgerald

Australian Principals Federation president Julie Podbury said she had "no idea" how schools would finance the changes.

"I can see the need for this but god knows how schools will fund it," she said.

Her views were echoed by Australian Government Primary Principals Association president Gabrielle Leigh, who said it would be very difficult for primary schools to implement the changes with their current budgets.

The Opposition's education spokesman Nick Wakeling criticised the government for providing no funding for the life-saving initiative. "If left out of pocket, schools could be forced to cut literacy and numeracy programs."

Education Minister James Merlino said the government had boosted school budgets and set up a $148 million camps, sports and excursions fund for disadvantaged families.

"Many schools deliver quite an intensive swimming program, many schools have a swimming carnival that may be a day a year, but a number of schools do precious little when it comes to swim survival and learning how to swim," he said.

"That's why we thought it was important to make it a mandatory part of the new Victorian curriculum."

Parents Victoria executive officer Gail McHardy said that water safety should be a high priority.

"If this is being mandated as part of the curriculum then of course the costs should be covered in school budgets," she said. "Parents Victoria hopes schools are well supported on how to navigate this latest expectation to be delivered in 2017."

Primary school students will now have to pass a Victorian Water Safety Certificate and schools will have to teach floating, swimming and water safety. The curriculum changes were recommended by the Victorian coroner following an inquest into the death of a nine-year-old who drowned at Seaford in 2012.
