
November 30th, 2016

We just have to have stronger frame than theirs.

Their frame is that they are virtuous and we are wicked, and that we know they are virtuous and we are wicked.

They refuse to interact with anyone who fails to accept their frame of moral superiority – that they are better than us because they deeply care about people located in places that they cannot find on a map of the world.

In actual fact their supposed good intentions usually have horrifying and brutal effects on the supposed beneficiaries, and when their supposed good intentions have horrifying effects on the supposed beneficiaries they are entirely comfortable and have not the slightest hesitation in blaming the victims, as for example the recent aid to Haiti fiasco, the earlier imposition of Aristide on Haiti at gunpoint which resulted in Aristide torturing to death very large numbers of real, suspected, and imaginary rightists in highly creative ways, the humanitarian intervention in Syria which if Russia had not intervened would have resulted in the total genocide of the Alawites, the expulsion of Christians to Lebanon, and the expulsion or genocide of several varieties of Shiite, in particular the genocide of the Palestinian Shiites, and the very similar humanitarian intervention in the Congo which predictably resulted in many, perhaps most, Tutsi women in the Congo being vaginally impaled with objects larger than themselves

Our frame has to be that they are hypocritical sycophants engaged in an ever escalating contest to speak power to truth, that they mindlessly regurgitate ignorant and formulaic Stalinist boilerplate to ingratiate themselves to power, power that is alarmingly capricious, brutal, cruel, terrifying, and erratic. That goodness begins at home – which implies that a grown woman with no husband is a bad woman.

Their supposed goodness is confirmed in their minds a false history of the world in which white males cause black and female underperformance. They supposedly believe that women and blacks are equal while indulging female irresponsibility and black violence. Women are in practice treated as children, except that when a child misbehaves the child is hauled off to the responsible adult who is told to discipline his child, but women misbehave and get away with it, for no one can haul them off to the responsible male who will be told to discipline his women.

In their history of the world Rhodesia, the Belgian Congo, segregation and slavery were hurtful evil crimes against blacks committed because whites hate blacks. They read and believe a press in which covers in hostile and mendacious detail every incident where a white kills a black, while piously ignoring an enormous number of incidents where blacks attack whites out of hatred inculcated into them in school, in university, and in the mass media.

In fact, blacks were immensely better off under white rule in Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo than before and after, slavery was necessary because of black disinclination to work for a living, and ever since slavery whites have been carrying blacks upon their backs. Segregation was an early form of affirmative action for blacks, artificially creating a black middle class by protecting them from white competition.

Their supposed moral superiority rests not on actual deeds to friends and family, which are generally hateful and contemptible, but on what they have been mendaciously and flatteringly told about things that happened long ago and far away.

Hard core and softcore Trump appointments

November 26th, 2016

Early appointments hard core, and primarily directed at those departments that you need to prevent a coup by the permanent government against the president, or make a self coup by the president against the permanent government.

Later appointments softcore cuckservative, and directed at those departments that are irrelevant in the event of a coup.

A big exception to this is the Department of State, which applies semi soft power to overthrow foreign governments and manipulate political outcomes within America. It does not directly control anything that can be directly used to make a coup, except for organizations like the CIA for which Trump has already chosen an establishment figure who is nonetheless extremely hostile to the State Department, but it does control the NGOs that can send out a mob of protesters to delegitimize the government and provide justification for a coup. Trump’s plans for dealing with the State Department (coup central) are unclear. I conjecture he is going to promise them someone they are happy with, then change his mind a few weeks after becoming president, once he has his own men in the army, the FBI, and the justice department.

Hail Trump

November 26th, 2016

That is Hail, not Heil

That is Hail Trump as in Hail Caesar Augustus, not Heil Trump as in Heil Hitler.

This is a reference and reverence to God Emperor Caesar Augustus who did to decadent Roman democracy much what Hitler did to decadent German democracy for much the same reasons, but fortunately your average Harvard graduated social justice warrior does not know any history other than Hitler killing the Jews, whites enslaving blacks, and that every thing was invented by blacks except what was invented by women.

That is why we call him God Emperor Trump, not der Führer.

By the way, the Roman salute to God Emperor Caesar Augustus differs slightly from the Nazi salute, in that the palm is visible, rather than down, and the fingers may be semi closed, but not clenched, but don’t try it because social justice warriors will not know the difference.

We are who we are, so to salute president elect Trump in the hope that he will soon become God Emperor Trump, I recommend the military salute universally used by western armies for a long time. For extra fun points, this salute was in fact the salute used by the German army in World War II, and every other white army, but social justice warriors don’t know that.

Google searches left wing indoctrination for you.

November 25th, 2016

Duckduckgo search for Hillary Clinton images. Of the top ten images three are are photoshopped and/or selected against her, three are photoshopped or selected for her, and four are neutral photos, which is exactly what you would expect in a country split down the middle.
Google search for Hillary Clinton Images. Every single image photoshopped in her favor.

If you are using google search, you are only searching half the web, the half that carries the official truth. For Google, authoritative sources are those inside the Overton Window. If you specifically search for a subversive source, Google will find it for you, but if you do a general search, you will not easily find crimethink.

No enemies to the right

November 24th, 2016

Observe that no enemies to the left works great for the left. Obama was an office boy to Bill Ayers, communist and terrorist, and no one ever asks him to disown communists and terrorists.

Similarly observe that no enemies holier than oneself works great for Islamists:

“Hello, I am a moderate Muslim, a very moderate Muslim, with extensive connections to immoderate Muslims and considerable influence over them, so give me a basket full of degrees from high status universities and a big cadillac with girls in the front and sacks of money in the back, or else my immoderate friends might be displeased with you.”

If we disown Nazis then we have to have to disown those one step removed from Nazis, and then we have to have to disown those two steps removed from Nazis, and then we have to have to disown anyone whom the left points the finger at and screams “racist” at, and then we are cuckservatives.

If the lips are gone the mouth will feel cold. Having actual unironic Nazis in the alt-right makes it safe for me to be in the alt-right, since leftists will be too busy having mental breakdowns at the actual unironic Nazis to have mental breakdowns at me.

The left has a thousand points of evil and madness, while anyone who disagrees on a single one of those points is “literally worse than Hitler”. The alt-right is everyone who is “literally worse than Hitler”.

Typically one alt-rightist is “literally worse than Hitler” because he disagrees on one point, while another alt-rightist disagrees on a different point, so typically two alt rightists have nothing in common except the nine hundred and ninety eight points where they agree with the left.

How then should we deal with disagreements within the alt-right?

One cannot debate everyone, but you should never criticize a fellow alt-rightist you are unwilling to debate. And if you do criticize them, and do not wish to debate them, retract, apologize, and affirm alliance against the common enemy.

Remember you grew up immersed in leftism, that your media shows a radically false picture of life. In the media fathers and husbands are always wicked and/or incompetent, and generally bad for women and children, female sexuality is always chaste and pure, blacks are always magical, women never divorce men for foolish and wicked reasons, all criminals are affluent white males. So if you disagree with your fellow alt-rightist there is a very high chance that you do so in ignorance, foolishness, or even wickedness, since you were raised on media that presents evil as clever, nice, and high status, and good as stupid, nasty, and low status.

Always criticize a fellow alt-rightist as a brother, not an enemy. If you criticize your brother, it is because you want to speak to him, and him to speak to you. If you criticize your brother, you must first be willing to learn where he is coming from, you must first want to learn where he is coming from.

The Overton Bubble

November 23rd, 2016

The Overton window has formed a bubble. People inside the bubble now refuse to have anything to do with those outside the bubble, refuse to hear, refuse to understand, refuse even to notice, react to them only with ignorant crazy hatred, and if anyone respectable shows signs of listening, he loses respectability and gets cast out of the bubble. No longer will respectable people have anything to do with him. He shall be friendless and alone. Except that so many people have been cast out of the bubble that he probably will not be friendless and alone.

This particular form of the left singularity, like many forms, leads inevitably to civil war. Unlike most forms of the left singularity, it will lead to civil war that the left is likely to lose.

Know your enemy and know yourself, win a hundred battles without jeopardy
Know yourself, but not your enemy, win some, lose some.
know neither yourself nor your enemy, always lose.

The left has weaponized self inflicted ignorance, symbolized by literally and physically turning their backs on their opponents. This weapon is apt to backfire. Not a good idea to show your opponent your back.

The back turning maneuver is a DHV (demonstration of higher value) It subcommnicates “You want our attention, but are beneath us, and are no threat to us”. It will be harder to pull off once Trump imprisons the officials of a few sanctuary cities and fires the Washington press core. (Which despite being a supposedly private enterprise organization works from government offices and receives the usual services and benefits provided by government employees to people in government offices, as do a great many politically critical supposedly private enterprise organizations. The phrase “NGO” has become a joke, with even NGO employees describing their work as government employment.)

A good reply to the physical back turning maneuver is to pour an iced drink over the offender. You have to respond to the “You are no threat” subcommunication by showing you are a threat.

Trump’s secret plan to defeat Isis

November 21st, 2016

He is not telling me, and it is risky to attempt to predict the actions of individuals, but Trump has a long history of picking up hundred dollar bills lying on the pavement that everyone else refuses to pick up.

And for the defeat of Isis, the hundred dollar bill lying on the pavement is:

Islamic State’s claim to be the Caliphate rests on it being a state, on it controlling territory, a capital, a uniformed army with proper chain of command, and wealth. If you are hiding in a cave on a mountainside, you cannot be the Caliph. So, to kill Islamic State, make it stop being a state. As yet another mere terrorist organization, has less appeal.

So cut a deal with Putin and Assad for a joint attack on the capital of Islamic State. Follow Assad’s brutal example by leafleting the place telling everyone to flee or die. Give them the opportunity to flee. Then kill everyone who has not fled. Level the capital to the ground. Utterly flatten everything. What the bombs leave standing roll over with mine clearing tanks followed by bulldozer tanks. Rebuild under the control of Sunnis who are in Assad’s pocket. Make sure any Sunnis not in his pocket are dead or fled, preferably dead. Repopulate with cooperative Sunnis so that your genocide does not look too much like genocide.

Islamic State will probably still be around as a terrorist organization, but they are, or recently were, committed to realist version of Islam. If they are not a state any more, will not call themselves “Islamic State”, will not claim their leader is the rightful Caliph, merely the future Caliph.

He is keeping the plan secret, because he needs to cut a deal and it will make it hard to bargain if he is precommitted to getting the deal.

Of course the left is going to scream genocide, but their humanitarian intervention in Syria was predicated on Alawites being genocided and Christians being expelled to Lebanon, and their humanitarian intervention in the Congo predictably resulted in many, probably most, Tutsi women in the Congo being vaginally impaled with objects as large as themselves. The left murdered about a hundred and seventy million people during the twentieth century, and we should just stop taking their pious cries of moral superiority seriously.

Leftists are weak people, are noisy women and weak men, who identify with power and cruelty, and thus identify with mass murderers and torturers like Che Guevera, Aristide, and Zapata. They loved the Khmer Rouge until the Khmer Rouge lost power by murdering each other until there were not enough competent Khmer Rouge left to uphold the regime. They loved the Khmer Rouge as long as the Khmer Rouge were successfully engaging in mass murder and mass torture, and hated them when, and only when, they lost, hated them not for mass murder and mass torture, but for weakness. As small boys identify with men who drive monster trucks, leftists identify with those who murder and torture. Hence the tendency of teenage boys to be radical leftists, and to cease being radical leftists when they reach their full growth and realize they need to be careful about getting into fights lest they kill someone with their bare hands.

So why are people reluctant to pick up this hundred dollar bill?

Because of an ideological left wing progressive belief in the potency of guerrilla warfare. In practice, guerrillas only succeed to the extent that they are backed by an outside power – usually the State Department. The Vietnam war with in part a proxy war between Russia and America with North and South Vietnam as proxies, but in larger part a proxy war between the State Department’s blue empire of the consulates, and the Pentagon’s red empire of the bases, as was increasingly obvious towards the end. Islamic state is largely a creation of the State Department, a part of their efforts to overthrown various Arab regimes, in particular Libya, Iraq, and Syria. Once they go back from State to State warfare down to guerrilla warfare and lose State Department backing, they will be insignificant.

Don’t Stop

November 20th, 2016

Scott Alexander has published an essay calling on his fellow leftists to stop screaming racist-misogynist-homophobe-literally-Hitler at everyone all the time at maximum volume.

And a lot of gutless ladyboy cuckservatives are so traumatized at being unkindly treated by the left that they are citing it favorably.

I would unkindly interpret his essay has “Please do not set fire to the Reichstag while Trump has the army and the police, and stop being mean to the legacy Americans until we have imported enough brown allies to kill them all.”

What Scott fears is exactly what I hope for with every fiber of my being: That the left screaming racistsexisthomophobe at everyone all the time at maximum volume will eventually lead to a preference cascade where large numbers of manly men go around wearing t shirts saying “I am a proud racist misogynist etc”

If Scott actually wanted peace rather than democidal war, he would be willing to talk to the right, rather than patronizingly lecture them with formulaic repetitious hostile patronizing Stalinist boilerplate, and willing to listen to their reply, their reply invariably being it that we have heard that crap a thousand times before, and it is obviously untrue from scientific studies and everyone’s lived experience.

Scott’s essay is not an olive branch. It is advice to the left as to how to get in the best position for their coming war upon legacy Americans.

This post stolen wholesale from Steve Johnson’s excellent comment.

What the alt right hopes for from Trump

November 18th, 2016

Trump has promised to build a wall, deport millions of illegals, and stop people who hate us from migrating here.

Well, that is pretty good, but what we really wish is for Trump to be King and high priest, and his son to be grand inquisitor.

That is a mighty tall order, but it would stand a mighty good chance of curing civilizational decay.

We need him to be King or Emperor, because democracy is against us. We don’t want women and blacks voting. Democracy always tempts politicians to enfranchise or import low information voters that can be bought cheaply, obamaphone voters. Thus in the end, democracy winds up as the government electing a new people

We need him to be god, or high priest, or archbishop, so that there is a clearly defined official doctrine that one can piously believe and thereby be an acceptably good person. At present your company is in violation of affirmative action law unless everyone believes in equality twice as much as everyone else, that woman are just as good as men except that they are better, and any underperformance is due to evil sexist thoughts emitted by males, that blacks are just as good as whites and any underperformance is due to evil racist thoughts emitted by whites. The required holy doctrines are set by activist judges and social justice warriors, and thus escalate endlessly. No piety is safe from being deemed racist next year.

We need a grand inquisitor to rid state and quasi state institutions (courts and universities) of demon worshipers, and anyone who claims to be holier than the King, to shut down the holiness competition whereby every professor, every social justice warrior, and every judge tries to be twice as holy as every other.

Of course Trump is not an alt rightist, despite what the left tells themselves. The alt right is just one of the factions of the Trump coalition, and far from being the largest or most influential, though the fact that the alt right is allowed any legitimacy at all horrifies and outrages the left.

But, though just one faction, and far from the largest, Trump has so far shown no inclination to succumb to the pressure to dump parts of the coalition that brought him to power. Many of us expected that he would, and did not much care so long as he builds the wall, but so far, all seems well. He is holding his coalition together. Trump is loyal to those that are loyal to him, and an enemy to his enemies. And if he sliced off one part of his coalition, leftists would demand even more strongly that he slice off another.

So what are our chances of getting what we want, in addition to the wall and the reduced influx of black military age Muslims screaming for infidel blood and white pussy? What are our chances of getting God Emperor Trump, a fixed and safely unchanging holiness doctrine, and an inquisition to make it stick?

I don’t care if the Holy Trumpian doctrine of the divine Trump says that blacks are angels, and leprechauns exist, provided that next year you don’t have to say they are even better than that.

I rather think we stand a small but significant chance. You will have heard that the Obama/Trump transition is chaos. It is.

The problem however is not with Trump, but with the presidency. The presidency is a worm’s nest. Trump wants to transition the permanent government to doing what he damn well tells them, the permanent government wants to transition the merely temporary government into being their public relations boy as usual. Hence the transition is going extremely badly, indeed it is scarcely going at all.

The permanent government is run by committees that supply or deny people who sit on committees status and power and future career opportunities.

Thus, run by consensus of the most holy synod, no one is responsible, and it is impossible to discover who allocated money or authority for what policy, and difficult to determine what the real policy actually being implemented actually is, since the actual on-the-ground policy is unlikely to correspond to its official description.

This architecture makes it difficult to determine who to fire. Perhaps Trump can save time and mental effort by firing entire committees at once.

This architecture is unfixable, no matter how many political commissars you insert, except by not having stuff run by committees – except by reorganizing the permanent government so that it is responsive to a single will, by having money, power, responsibility and authority flow though clear overt formal official hierarchical channels that appear on an organization chart as a top down tree. As King Charles the first said, “No Bishop, no King”, meaning if no Bishop, then no King.

One can readily foresee that Trump is going to find dealing with a very decentralized organization frustrating and exhausting. He will issue orders and they will sink into the labyrinthine morass without a trace.

Trump being Trump, I think he not only wants to take charge of the Permanent Government, but is likely to do so, which is a revolutionary act for which he will need revolutionaries. Expect the left to set fire to the Reichstag at a convenient moment.

And if we don’t get God Emperor Trump and his holy inquisition, we will say we did and watch the leftists go even crazier.

Recap on Global Warming

November 13th, 2016

Some days are warmer, some are cooler. Some years are warmer, some are cooler. Some centuries are warmer, some are cooler.

Not only does climate vary, but the variability itself is subject to change. Ten degree swings over decade have happened, and when that happens once, usually happens ten or twenty times over the following millenia. Fortunately we have not had anything as bad as that in recent millenia, but during Roman times it was substantially warmer than today, and wheat grew in what is now desert, today’s deserts were the breadbasket of Europe, and during the little ice age, it was mighty cold, and the deserts were bigger.

The Hockey stick curve (which shows climate stable until industrialization) is just phony. The climategate files revealed that those proclaiming it showed no interest in whether it was true or false. Mann delegated the key work to minor grad students, told them what the data should show, and displayed absolutely no interest in how they tortured the data to get his predetermined result. This was obvious when it came out, and confirmed by the leak of climategate files. Mann himself did not know how the Hockey Stick curve was generated, in the sense that he failed to ask, and showed no interest in, the questions raised in the Harry_Read_Me.txt file, which discusses the manufacture of the corrupted and corrupting data used to weight the proxies, and also in that Harry, a low status menial, was tasked with recreating graphs already published, implying that Mann and company had no idea where those graphs came from or what they were based on, if anything.

Mann and company vaguely hoped and sort of believed that they curves that they published were somehow derived from observations, but they did not know, and showed no interest in, what observations, and how derived.

When the Hockey Stick Curve appeared it showed the classic marks of theocratic science.

Everyone used to believe, based on extensive evidence, that climate had been highly variable in the past. And then suddenly everyone in academia changed their belief, quietly forgetting that they used to believe something complete different, without asking for the evidence that supposedly supported their new belief.

Indeed, to ask the new experts how they knew their new facts about past climate was deemed an act of harassment. To ask, was to be anti scientific, since you were showing disrespect to official science. Every academic everywhere, with a handful of courageous exceptions that were swiftly brought into line, agreed with the new line, and declined to ask dangerous and subversive questions as to what data, what evidence, brought the new line about. How did one proceed from observations of fossil trees and glaciers to a conclusion very different to that which past observers of fossil trees and glaciers had concluded? No one would tell, and no one important would ask.

When the state officially recognizes science and scientists, this tends to make scientists into priests.

In the restoration, Charles the Second created the Royal Society to keep scientists on track, which was part of his purge of the priesthood. It is a pity he did not create an inquisition to continue the purges and keep the rest of the priesthood on track.

From the Restoration in 1660, to the end of World War II, the Royal society enforced the scientific method. If you wanted respect and esteem as a scientist, you had to tell us new and interesting things, and you had to show everyone how you knew these new and interesting things from what you saw with your eyes and touched with your hands.

After World War II, Harvard got the upper hand over the Royal Society, and you no longer have to show your work. Instead, your work must be approved by the most holy synod of mother church – in other words, must pass peer review behind closed doors. Peer Review is new. Attempts to root it in the past of science before World War II are artificial and contrived. Somehow we obtained almost all of science that matters before we had peer review, and since we have had peer review, things have started to go terribly wrong with science. Peer Review is science by social consensus, and Galileo told us that that does not work.

Global Warming is much the same religion as the Aztec state religion. Sacrifices must be made, or else the sun will not rise to tomorrow, and the priests can therefore pull strings, so that some people are sacrificed more, and others less, as with Chris Turner’s carbon indulgences.

It is not enough to stop the sacrifices though that is a damned good start. The priesthood itself must be purged, for as long as they have state power, they will continue to apply it against Trump.

The permanent government will always win over the temporary government unless purged, and the permanent state religion will always control the permanent government, unless a King places himself the head of that religion, and, armed with an inquisition, brings it into line. May Trump become God Emperor, or at least King and High Priest. And may his grand inquisitor purge Satanism from our political elite and lies and heresy such as Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming from our priesthood, with holy fire.

We need to suppress Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming as Castile suppressed the Old Gods of Mexico, and as the Romans suppressed Druidism, and for much the same reasons, and with much the same methods. Global Warming is not an example of science making a mistake. Science always makes mistakes, and advances because of them. Global Warming is an example of an evil priesthood and evil priests, pursuing evil goals by evil means. Scientific errors should not be punished, but evil religions need to be forcibly suppressed by centralized power and state violence, for evil religions propagate by centralized power and state violence, and thus can be suppressed by no other means.