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What is CubeCart?

Whether you are a retailer looking for an online store or a webmaster seeking an ecommerce solution for a client… CubeCart is a powerful free ecommerce solution enabling thousands of merchants globally to sell digital or physical products online.

"I've very happy with the stability and flexibility of the software. Thanks for the great product."Clint Eagar

Latest News

CubeCart 6.1.1 Released

This is a maintenance released fixing a few issues with the 6.1.0 release

Permalink | 1st November 2016 14:44

CubeCart 6.1.0 Released

We are excited to announce the release of CubeCart 6.1.0 which comes with a number of great new features. 

What's New?

  • Dashboard notifications for extension updates (see upgrade notes).
  • Font Awesome replaced with SVG in Foundation skin for optimisation with smaller page loads (up to 107KB smaller).
  • SVG support for logo.
  • Redis cache support.
  • Automatic admin folder/file renaming on install for improved security (see upgrade notes).
  • Automated admin file and folder renaming after auto/forced upgrade based on config values.
  • Store email log with preview of rich and plain text version.
  • Log retention (default 30 days).
  • Reviews can be added via admin control panel.
  • "Available for purchase" field added to import tool.
  • Free shipping option for coupon codes.
  • Smarty template engine updated to 3.1.30.
  • Email content and template syntax validation on save.
  • Improvements to front end catalogue search for partial word matches.
  • Improvements to mail()/SMTP test tool.
  • Unsettled orders tab improvements on dashboard for print, bulk print and status change.
  • Merchants can now specify featured products. 
  • Bulk price update tool now includes quantity discounts and product options.
  • Bulk product assign to category tool improved.
  • Bulk price change tool separated from "assign to category" tool.
  • "More" pagination memory on browser back button on front end of "Foundation" skin.
  • Improved admin control panel file manager with drag and drop image uploads (powered by DropzoneJS).
  • Misc bug fixes & tweaks.

Upgrade Notes
Upgrading may (depending on write permissions) give you a new random admin login URL which is designed to enhance security. This has been developed to help prevent unwanted attention. Please make a note of this new path which will be shown under large bold red text on the final step of upgrade and update your bookmarks.

If you do not see this message the admin login URL will remain as it did before.

If you didn't see this message and the old admin login no longer loads the expected login page please check the included/global.inc.php file for the "adminFile" value and substitute this instead of the admin.php part of your old bookmark.

Notifications for extension updates will only occur once the store is at 6.1.0 and once existing extensions have been reinstalled via token method. 

Permalink | 25th October 2016 10:24

CubeCart version 5 End of Life (24 November 2016)

The majority of merchants have already upgraded from version 5 to version 6. This upgrade is straightforward, reliable and version 6 is stable. 

For this reason we will no longer release updates or support version 5 from 24th November 2016.

If you are still using version 5 then there is no reason not to upgrade to version 6. Your skin is compatible as are any existing plugins/extensions/modules.

Please do contact us if you have any questions about our upgrade services.

Permalink | 24th August 2016 13:57

CubeCart now supports PayPal's faster-than-ever checkout experience


A seamless experience
The new checkout introduces the in-context user journey for PayPal Express Checkout, helping improve conversion rates with an easier way to pay online. The streamlined design speeds buyers through payment - without leaving your website - for a more secure and seamless checkout.

How to enable on CubeCart - https://www.cubecart.com/extensions/plugins/paypal-pro-express-checkout (1.1.3 or higher recommended)

Improves conversion rates
In-Context Checkout supports PayPal’s One Touch, which is an optional PayPal feature that allows buyers to complete purchases faster. When buyers log in to PayPal from a mobile device or from a desktop, tablet or laptop, they can choose to stay logged in to PayPal for easier, faster checkout with all eligible merchants. From that moment buyers will skip the PayPal login on future purchases across websites if they use the same device and browser. More info on http://www.paypal.com/onetouch

PayPal’s new checkout conversion rate outperforms its competitors by 36%, according to the 2016 comScore study (here).

Permalink | 15th August 2016 09:02

CubeCart 6.0.12 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of CubeCart version 6.0.12.

What's new?

  • 37 issues resolved
  • Increased minimum PHP version to 5.4 and MySQL to 5.5. 
  • Improved upgrade reliability for v3 & v4 image galleries.
  • Dashboard exposure to recent marketplace extensions.
  • Help menu access to technical support and community forums. 

Download: CubeCart-6.0.12.zip

The screenshot below shows links to support, forums and display of most recent extensions. 

Screen Shot 2016-06-16 at 11.20.46.png

Permalink | 16th June 2016 11:19

CubeCart 6.0.11 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of CubeCart version 6.0.11. This is a maintenance release which includes three security updates. 

What's new?

Release notes: CKEditor has been upgraded from version 3 to 4. If the rich text editor fails to load from within the admin control panel please try a hard browser refresh or delete your temporary internet files. 

Download: CubeCart-6.0.11.zip

We would like to thank both Netsparker and High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab for responsibly sharing their security audit findings. 

Permalink | 16th March 2016 10:07

PayPal 2016 merchant security upgrades

A number of our customer have received the following correspondence from PayPal concerning a rollout schedule for security updates this year. We wanted to address how these changes may affect your CubeCart store. 


We recently announced several security upgrades planned for this year, some of which will require you to make changes to your integration. You’re receiving this email because your integration may need to be changed to accommodate these security upgrades.  

What do I need to do? We’ve outlined the steps to take to ensure your integration is up to date. We’re letting you know about these changes now because we don’t want you to experience a disruption of service when they go into effect.

Step 1: Consult with someone who understands your integration. We encourage you to inform your technical staff of these upcoming changes. 

Step 2: Understand how these changes affect your integration. Here’s a list of the security changes we’re making in 2016. Please review and determine if these updates are required on your side.

Step 3: Get the technical details on these changes. Detailed information of each of the changes and a location to test your integration are available on our 2016 Merchant Security Roadmap Microsite. Select the hyperlinks in the chart for information about specific change events. 

Step 4: Make the appropriate changes by each “Act by” date*. It’s important to have your changes in place by the “Act by” date for each change event.

Step 5: Future-proof your integration. We recommend that you go through the Best Practices section on our 2016 Merchant Security Roadmap Microsite. 

Why is PayPal making these changes?

Protecting customer information is PayPal’s top priority. We support industry standards, such as crypto-industry’s mandate to upgrade SSL certificates to SHA-256, and the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Council’s TLS 1.2 mandate. We also surpass those standards by investing and building some of the finest protection available. By addressing these changes this year, we believe it helps future-proof your integration and reduce the need to invest in changing your integration in the near future.

If you have any questions as you work through these changes, visit our Help Centre by clicking Help on any PayPal page.

Thank you for your support of our commitment to maintain the highest security standards for all of our global customers.


Which milestones will affect my store?!

TLS 1.2 and HTTP/1.1 Upgrade -  Deadline June 17, 2016
To make sure that your CubeCart store continues to operate as normal please check that your web hosting is configured to have TLS 1.2  and HTTP 1.1 support. This can be done by looking at the "Server Info" or "PHP Info" area of your stores admin control panel. "OpenSSL" should have a value of 1.0.1 or higher. The screenshot below shows an example of what to be looking for. In this case the OpenSSL version is fine. 

Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 08.15.58.png

You can also test if TLS 1.2 is supported using a tool such as the SSL Server Test by Qualys. Visit: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/

The screenshot below shows that HTTP 1.1 is also supported. 

Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 08.30.56.png

IPN Verification Postback to HTTPS -  Deadline September 30, 2016

PayPal send information about payments back to your store via postback notification. From September 30th 2016 PayPal will no longer send this information back to standard insecure (http protocol) URL's. This means that if you do not already have SSL configured in your store for secure padlocked (https protocol) pages you will need to enable this. This has to be done in two stages;

  1. You'll need to source an SSL certificate. This is something that can normally be purchased from your web hosting company. It may be possible to save money by sourcing your own from somewhere like https://www.ssls.com but please check with your hosting company that SSL purchased from a 3rd party can be used. We are in no way affiliated to or associated with "Namecheap Inc" who operate ssls.com.
  2. SSL will need to be enabled in CubeCart. For CubeCart version 5 and version 6 this can be done via the SSL tab in the settings section of your stores admin control panel. 

How can I test my store will be ok before the deadlines?

PayPal have already made these security changes to their testing "Sandbox" environment. We recommend creating a sandbox account at https://developer.paypal.com and switching your PayPal module to Sandbox mode from your CubeCart admin control panel. It is then possible to make test purchases to check that payments work and order statuses update from "Pending" to "Processing" automatically.

That's it! No other changes should be of concern. Please be sure to contact our technical support staff if you are unsure at all.

Permalink | 14th March 2016 08:51

Software License System Switched Off

Having made numerous announcements via various channels since June 2015 our software license server has now been switched off.

This means that soon (if not already) the admin panel of your store will cease to function if;

  • your store is powered by CubeCart 5.2.14 or below and still hasn't been patched via option 2 below.
  • your store is powered by CubeCart 4.4.7 or below and still hasn't been patched via option 2 below.

CubeCart version 6 and version 3 are unaffected by the server switch off.

How can I tell which version I have?
This can be found in the ini.inc.php file in the root of your store file structure or in the dashboard section of your admin control panel if you can still access it.

There are two options available if the admin panel to your store has become locked out.

Option 1:
Upgrade to the latest build of version 6 (recommended), version 5 or version 4. Please find instructions on our helpdesk. The latest versions are all open source and do not call home to validate a software license key.

Option 2:
Download the latest build of the current major version you are on (4.4.8 or 5.2.17) and replace the admin.php file (found in the store's root folder) with the one from the newer package. This will bypass the software license system and your current store will continue to operate exactly as it was before.

All versions of CubeCart can be downloaded here: https://www.cubecart.com/download

How can I check that my store is no longer calling home?
Via your web hosting control panel or using an FTP client please delete the includes/extra/key.php file if it exists. Please then attempt to login to the admin side of your store. If it works then great, your store is independent and no further action is required. If you get a software license key error message your store is still trying to validate against our server and either option 1 or option 2 will need to be actioned.

We have done our very best to communicate this to all our clients over the last seven months via numerous channels. We are sincerely very sorry if you had not seen any of our notifications and your store admin panel has become locked out. At the time of writing this traffic to our license server has significantly dropped and few stores should be affected.

Can someone fix this for me?
Anyone with basic web master skills should be able to patch your store via option 2 above in just a few minutes. Our staff can provide assistance if you have either of the following:

  • Legacy Technical Support Credits
    If you login or register at https://support.cubecart.com with the email address used to originally purchase your CubeCart version 4/5 software license key any existing credits on your account can be used.
  • A monthly/annual technical support subscription.

More information about our technical support packages can be found at https://www.cubecart.com/technical-support

Permalink | 15th February 2016 09:10

Reminder: Software License Switch Off (15/Feb/16)

Our software license server will be switched off at 9am (GMT) on Monday 15th February 2016.

Please refer to the following announcements:

Numerous other announcements have been made via Twitter and facebook and a bulk email has been sent to all customers with a legacy software license key (no longer sold). 

Permalink | 5th February 2016 12:40

CubeCart 6.0.10 Released

We are pleased to announce the availability of CubeCart 6.0.10 which fixes a couple of issues in 6.0.9 concerning error reporting and remote server requests. 

Download: CubeCart-6.0.10

Permalink | 21st January 2016 12:08

CubeCart 6.0.9 Released

We are pleased to announce the availability of CubeCart 6.0.9 which is a maintenance release further improving stability and reliability

What's new?
73 issues have been resolved. 
- redirect from admin/ to admin.php has been removed.

https://www.example.com/store/admin.php - Correct
https://www.example.com/store/admin - Incorrect

Download: CubeCart-6.0.9

Permalink | 13th January 2016 10:55

Successful year for CubeCart and plans for 2016

I thought it would be appropriate to write a short piece to reflect on the successes of this year and to let you know our plans for CubeCart in 2016.

Statistics for 2015

  • CubeCart has been downloaded 72,000 times (excludes web hosting auto installers).
  • Well over 6,000 new CubeCart version 6 stores have been recognised.
  • There have been 209 new extensions with over 48,000 downloads.

Moving to an open source model was not without risks and to switch from a business model that was already working to something calculated to be better was a big deal. CubeCart's future is dependant on the success of the company backing it and from the support of our highly valued developer community. We are pleased to say that after just six months the company started trading at a profit again. This is about 200% faster than we forecast. CubeCart is now in a period of sustained growth and we are looking forward to sharing the fruits of this with you.

What's new for 2016?

We intend to continue developing CubeCart under the free open source GPL 3.0 software license. In particular 6.0.9 will be made available in early January before our development roadmap for 6.1 is finalised. We'll also be hiring extra support technicians to join our small friendly team and plan to extend our businesses operational hours. 

I'd like to personally thank all of our merchants and developers for helping to make 2015 such a fantastic year. I wish you all a very happy holiday and for all the best for 2016. 


Alistair Brookbanks
CEO/Founder CubeCart Limited

Permalink | 22nd December 2015 09:02

License system switch off deferred to 15th Feb 2016

Due to the significant level of traffic our software license server is still receiving we have put off the software license system switch off until 15th February 2016.

Our staff will reach out to any stores that have still been logged calling the software license server over the next few weeks.

For more information please see the original announcement below:



Permalink | 4th December 2015 07:43

Crucial Reminder: Software license system switch off (7/Dec/15)

For more information please see our announcement from June 2015.

Permalink | 4th November 2015 09:32

CubeCart 6.0.8 Released

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CubeCart 6.0.8. This is a maintenance release which includes three low risk security patches for issues 795845 and 846.

Download: CubeCart-6.0.8

Permalink | 5th October 2015 14:25

Introducing the £1,750 Skin Design Competition Winners!!

We are thrilled to announce that the following three responsive skins have been chosen as the winners of our recent design competition. These are available to download now in the extension marketplace.

Developing a new theme is a massive amount of work and we would like to give a huge thanks to all those that entered.

1st place (winning £1,000) - Galaxy X Premium Skinmaster.jpg

2nd place (winning £500) - Clean Skinmaster.jpg

3rd place (winning £250) - Minimaliser

Permalink | 1st October 2015 11:16

PayPal SSL Endpoint Upgrade to SHA-256

We are aware that many of our merchants received a message today from PayPal concerning service upgrades. 

PayPal is upgrading the certificate for www.paypal.com to SHA-256. This endpoint is also used by merchants using the Instant Payment Notification (IPN) product.

What do I need to do?

The good news is that you shouldn't need to do anything. Your CubeCart powered store should continue to work fine with your existing PayPal extension. For those who would like reassurance we have released new version of both the PayPal Standard and PayPal Pro & Express Checkout extension which has a new IPN test tool. 

You can obtain the latest version of each extension below:

Once installed please navigate to the extensions configuration screen where you will find a "Test Endpoint" tool as shown in the screenshot below.


If you have any questions or concerns please do submit a technical support ticket.

Permalink | 11th September 2015 08:17

CubeCart 6.0.7 & 5.2.17 Released

In the light of today's security announcement we have two new releases.

What's New?
CubeCart 6.0.7 - This is a maintenance release with 88 issues resolved including a patch for today's security announcement. 
CubeCart 5.2.17 - This only patches today's security announcement

Both of these releases are now 
available in the download area of our website. 

Permalink | 7th September 2015 11:02

Critical Security Issue: Admin account hijack

A critical security vulnerability has been brought to our attention by Fernando Camara. If an administrator's email is known to a hacker it may be possible to take control of the account and have complete access to the store's control panel.

Affected Versions: 5.2.12 to 6.0.6 

To patch please download the following files and replace them over your existing ones. It is then recommended to login and change all administrator passwords.

CubeCart v6 Patch: classes/admin.class.php (GitHub commit: 2bee289)
CubeCart v5 Patch: classes/admin.class.php (GitHub commit: 353d39b)

CubeCart 5.2.17 and 6.0.7 will be released later today patching this vulnerability.

Many thanks to Fernando for reporting this issue in such a responsible manner. At CubeCart we take security as our number one priority. We apologise sincerely to anyone who has been victimised by this issue. The issue was first reported to us at 12:50pm on Sunday 6th September and patches have been released in less than 24 hours.

Permalink | 7th September 2015 09:30

CubeCart 6.0.6 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of CubeCart version 6.0.6.

What's New?

What's Memcached?

Memcached (Mem-Cache-D) is a general-purpose distributed memory caching system. It is often used to speed up dynamic database-driven websites by caching data and objects in RAM to reduce the number of times an external data source (such as a database or API) must be read.

Our demo store uses Memcached but CubeCart also supports Memcache, APC, XCache and native "Files" cache. If any of these systems are available CubeCart will use them automatically. Please turn debug mode on in the "Advanced" tab of your stores settings to find out what cache engine CubeCart is currently using. 

Download: CubeCart-6.0.6.zip

Permalink | 23rd June 2015 11:19

Important: Software license system switch off (7/Dec/15)


In just over six month time (Monday 7th December) we will be switching off our software license key server. This means that the admin panel of your store will cease to function if;

  • your current store is powered by CubeCart 5.2.14 or below.
  • you current store is powered by CubeCart 4.4.7 or below.

CubeCart version 6 and version 3 will be unaffected.

How can I tell which version I have?
Please login to the admin side of your store. On the dashboard (the first page after login) there may be a "Store Overview" tab. Clicking this should show your specific version number. If this tab doesn't exist there should be a "Store Overview" box on the dashboard which shows the specific version number. Alternatively it is possible to find the version number in the ini.inc.php file which should be found in the root folder of your store.

If your store is powered by version 5 or version 4 and lower than the version numbers specified above please read on as action is required.

There are two options available.

Option 1:
Upgrade to version 6 (recommended), version 5.2.16 or version 4.4.8. Please find instructions on our helpdesk. This will bypass the software license system.

Option 2:
Download the latest version of the major version you are on (v4 or v5) and replace the admin.php file (found in the store's root folder) with the one from the newer package. This will bypass the software license system.

All versions of CubeCart can be downloaded here: https://www.cubecart.com/download

Permalink | 5th June 2015 09:19

CubeCart 6.0.5 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of CubeCart version 6.0.5.

What's New?

  • 69 Resolved Issues
  • Removed support for SSL on "Sensitive Pages Only".
  • Optional field added for short description for products.
  • Quick shipping quote on basket ("Foundation" skin only).

Download: CubeCart-6.0.5.zip

Screenshot below shows how shipping quote can be obtained before check out process is initiated.


Permalink | 1st June 2015 11:16

CubeCart 6.0.4 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of CubeCart 6.0.3 and the subsequent release of 6.0.4. This is a maintenance release which has a number of bug fixes to improve stability.

Download: CubeCart-6.0.4.zip

Permalink | 23rd April 2015 12:06

CubeCart £1,750 Template Design Competition

EDIT: The deadline for entry has been extended to 1st September 2015

With the release of CubeCart v6 and its open source model our popularity is increasing rapidly. We want to celebrate this with a template design competition giving away some really generous cash prizes! 
The Prizes
1st Prize: £1,000 GBP (approx $1,500 USD)
2nd Prize: £500 GBP (approx $750 USD)
3rd Prize: £250 GBP (approx $375 USD)

The brief is to develop a responsive CubeCart v6 theme that will work on small, medium and large devices. To qualify for the prize it must be added to our CubeCart Extensions Marketplace by July 1st 2015.
The prize draw will be judged by our staff on 1st August 2015. Reviews and user feedback will play an important role in our decision. Prizes will be paid out by CubeCart Limited in early August (UK company number 5323904).
How do I create a custom template for CubeCart v6?
We recommend downloading the latest build of CubeCart v6 here. Then follow stage 1 of our helpdesk article but using the "Foundation" skin (instead of the old "Vanilla" template) as a starting block for your design. This article was written for CubeCart v5 but the exact same process can be used for v6. There is no requirement to use "Foundation" as a starting block this is just a recommendation but if you do please refer to their documentation for support. 
Can my skins be commercial or does it have to be free?
It can be free or commercial. That's up to you.
How do I receive the prize money?
All prizes will be paid via PayPal or bank transfer if UK based. 
Can anyone enter?
Yes anyone at all from anywhere in the world can enter so long as the work submitted is yours or you have written permission to submit it on behalf of someone else. 
Do you have any other tips?
If you can create sub colour themes it would be beneficial. Sub-themes can be defined in the config.xml file of the skins root folder.
How do people review my design and how will it be judged?
Once submit to the extensions marketplace it is possible to click a link to "Write Review" on its main listing page. User feedback and reviews here will play an important role in our decision. We can't promise that the review with the most feedback and highest rating will win but it will help us a great deal. 
That's it.. I'd like to personally wish you all the very best of luck!
Al Brookbanks
CEO/MD & Founder CubeCart

Permalink | 2nd April 2015 09:09

CubeCart 6.0.2 Released

We are pleased to announce the arrival of CubeCart 6.0.2. 

What's New?

  • Foundation Framework upgraded to 5.5.1
  • Depreciated "Orbit" slider replaced with "BXSlider".
  • Backup tool can now skip images and downloads files.
  • Three new code hook locations.
  • Low risk XSS security vulnerability patch.
  • 40 GitHub issues resolved.

Download: CubeCart-6.0.2.zip

Permalink | 24th March 2015 13:53


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