

Cutting the Newstart allowance by $4 a week is the wrong way to balance the budget, Scott Morrison

Treasurer Joe Hockey had his lifters and leaners. Now Treasurer Scott Morrison wants you to meet the "taxed and the taxed nots".

According to Morrison, there is a "new divide" in Australia between those who pay tax and those who do not.

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The government is planning to cut a component of the Newstart allowance, to the dismay of social justice advocates. Courtesy ABC News 24.

In a speech delivered on Thursday morning, Morrison dropped two factoids designed to stir outrage in hearts of the taxpaying masses. First, that "more Australians today are likely to go through their entire lives without ever paying tax than for generations". Second, that "more Australians are also likely today to be net beneficiaries of the government than contributors".

Now, Morrison did not offer the exact source for those figures.

But it is true that about half of Australian households currently pay no net tax. Either they pay no tax at all, or, what they pay in tax is offset entirely by what they receive back in benefits. That is what modelling by the National Centre for Economic and Social Modelling found back in 2014 – hardly new.

The hidden story behind this statistic is that a large chunk of these households are pensioner households. An ageing population means that a growing proportion of the population will, at any point in time, be paying no tax while also receiving benefits. Across an individual's lifetime, too, the working phase of our lives is shrinking, while time spent in retirement is growing.


So, is this evidence Australians are increasingly a bunch of welfare-bludging cheats? Hardly.

Does it mean Morrison confronts a real, structural impediment to balancing the federal budget books? You bet. Commissioned by Morrison, Treasury has come up with the truly startling statistic that Australian government debt will top $1 trillion in 10 years if all government's budget savings are blocked (or about $800 billion if not).

Illustration: Simon Letch
Illustration: Simon Letch  

But just because Morrison has correctly identified a problem, does not mean his proposed solutions are right.

At the top end, Morrison's war on rich superannuants is truly commendable. But less well mentioned is his government's war on the poor through a proposed abolition of a regular top-up to welfare payments.

Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison has reminded Australians of a time when inflation was a problem, not an aspiration.
Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison has reminded Australians of a time when inflation was a problem, not an aspiration. 

The top-up was introduced by the previous Labor government as a way to compensate households who paid no tax for the impact of the carbon tax. Taxpaying households, of course, were awarded tax cuts.

The so-called "clean energy supplement" was paid to all benefit recipients, including age pension, carers, disability and jobless, at a rate of 1.7 per cent of a person's benefit base rate, starting in March 2014. In the Coalition's first "horror" budget of 2014, the supplement amount was frozen in time. For a single age pensioner, the supplement is now worth $7.05 a week; for a Newstart recipient it's $4.40 a week.

Why the gap? Well, thanks to a longstanding decision to increase pensions in line with wages, but the jobless benefit only in line with consumer prices, the Newstart allowance has been falling ever behind for decades. The single pension today is worth $397 a week; the Newstart allowance only $266 a week – more than $100 a week below the poverty line, defined as 50 per cent of the median income.

Indeed, Labor's energy supplement represents the only remaining real increase to the Newstart allowance since 1994.

Now the government wants to scrap it for new claimants.

While keeping the tax cuts for middle-income households, of course, the Abbott government decided in the 2016 budget to axe the energy supplement for new welfare claimants. The measure is expected to raise nearly $1.4 billion over four years.

The logic was seemingly simple. No carbon tax. No supplement needed.

Labor has dithered in its response. During the election campaign, it released costings which booked the saving from the government's measure. Although the policy document at the time said that it had not had an opportunity to "properly scrutinise" the policy and would "seek further advice" on the measure if elected.

With the measure due to start from September 20, Labor is now internally divided about whether to support the measure in the name of looking fiscally responsible or to leave the money in the pockets of the poorest Australians.

Because it is those whose lives are already most disrupted, because they move in and out of employment or their relationships break down and they become single parents, who are most likely to lose the payment when they come to claim a new benefit.

Bill Shorten told the Press Club on Wednesday that the Newstart allowance is too low and has a longstanding promise to review the adequacy of Newstart.

But in the current political environment, an energy supplement in the pocket is worth a lot more than a Newstart review in the bush.

While the lineage of the energy supplement is questionable – now that the carbon tax has been abolished – it is hard now to argue that some of Australia's most disadvantaged should shoulder the task of budget repair.

Not when forces in the government want to water down the Coalition's crackdown on superannuation tax breaks, while also delivering a $6 a week tax cut to those on above $80,000 and a cut to the company tax rate that will disproportionately benefit offshore companies.

There are better ways to balance the budget; standing firm on the super tax crackdown, abandoning tax cuts for high-income earners and companies, and continuing to look at removing tax breaks for property investment, being just a few.

The poorest in our society may well be "taxed nots". But that's entirely by design. Have not; get taxed not. Instead of attacking the poor for a paltry saving, the government should keep its focus on whether the ageing haves are taxed appropriately.

Watch this space closely to see what the government, and Labor, do to help rich superannuants versus poor welfare recipients.

If, by bipartisan agreement, proposed super changes are watered down while harsh cuts to benefits are maintained, it will tell you all you need to know about the rotten moral core of our new politics.



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