Australia’s refugee policy under siege: PM ignored at UN, re-submission to ICC, lawyers seek global help


Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull cut a lonely figure as he outlined his immigration policy at the UN on 20 September. Increasingly under pressure for his government’s transport of refugees from the open seas to detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru, civil society groups have been stepping up their resistance to what they consider his divisive and damaging policies. You wouldn’t know that from his speech, though. Speaking to a fairly empty room at the UN General Assembly and at a special meeting on refugees hosted by Barack Obama, he only referenced the offshore detention policy indirectly. But Greg Barns and Anna Talbot of the Australian Lawyers Alliance have since made it very clear what they think about Turnbull’s views…

To read more, click here.

Note: here are just a few of the many civil society organisations in Australia that are supporting refugees and asylum seekers:

Refugee Action Coalition (Sydney)

Refugee Action Collective (Victoria)

Refugee Action Collective (Queensland)

Refugee Rights Action Network (WA)

Refugee Action Committee (Canberra)

RISE Refugees survivors and ex-detainees

Whistleblowers and Citizens Alliance (WACA)

…and the thousands of refugee activists across Australia.

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