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Reuters Summits

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Rising rates test resolve of investors who piled into bonds

NEW YORK Investors who piled into bond funds for safety will see red when they unfurl their current account statements this holiday season.

Summit Date Location
Global Investment Outlook 2017 Nov 14 - 18 NY, London, HK, Singapore
Middle East Investment 2016 Oct 23 - 27 Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Riyadh, Cairo, Tunis, Rabat
Global Commodities 2016 Oct 10 - 14 Houston, NY, London, Singapore, Toronto
Russia Investment 2016 Sep 12 - 16 Moscow
Global Wealth Management 2016 Jun 13 - 17 New York, Geneva, London, Hong Kong, Singapore
Eastern Europe Investment 2016 May 30 - Jun 3 Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia
Financial Regulation 2016 May 16 - 20 HK, NY, London, Washington
Global Investment Outlook 2016 Nov 16 - 20 New York, London, Singapore
Middle East Investment 2015 Oct 26 - Nov 5 Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Riyadh, Cairo, Tunis, Rabat
Global Commodities 2015 Oct 19 - 23 Houston, New York, London, Singapore, Toronto

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