Innisfail Advocate

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Innisfail Advocate

Innisfail in Far North Queensland is a tight-knit community where the locals always pitch in to help each other whenever it’s battered by natural disasters such as cyclones and floods. First published in 1906, the Innisfail Advocate is an integral part of this community, with a commitment to getting the paper out on time, every time, regardless of disruptions to local roads and services.

Underpinned by a proud agricultural heritage, mainly bananas and sugar, Innisfail is looking to tourism as a major economic contributor, as well as diversifying into other crops such as tea and paw paws, and is also developing its aquaculture and commercial fishing industries. The residents around Innisfail are hardworking, engaged and loyal to their local industries.

With tourism as a major economic contributor, the area is vibrant, with new visitors looking to immerse themselves in local activities and culture. As a trusted local newspaper, whose journalists live and work in the community that they serve, the Innisfail Advocate opens up to advertisers a world of readers in the Innisfail area, north to Bellenden Ker, west to Ravenshoe and south to Cardwell.

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Innisfail Advocate

Published every Wednesday and Saturday, through the good times and the tough times, it’s a powerful voice on important issues such as schools, health and recreational facilities, and it keeps this township of 8000 people fully informed on everything from logging in state forests through to the best place to wet a line. 

Key Facts



Source: CAB September 2015