Your week in the stars...

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This was published 7 years ago

Your week in the stars...

It’s the perfect week for getting yourself noticed, with the new moon in your own sign.

By Kelli Fox


October 24 – November 22

It's the perfect week for getting yourself noticed, with the new moon in your own sign. Attend interviews or tests, make new friends, give yourself a makeover. Letting the real you out to play should be a joy now.

It’s the perfect week for getting yourself noticed, with the new moon in your own sign.

It’s the perfect week for getting yourself noticed, with the new moon in your own sign.


November 23 – December 22

You'll feel tired this week, so don't over-commit yourself socially. If you're craving peace and quiet, chill out at home and let the new moon work its magic by cleansing your dreams and soothing your soul.


December 23 – January 20

Use the new moon's energies to campaign for a cause which is close to your heart. You're at your most persuasive and charming at the moment – it would be such a shame to waste your ability to engage with others.



January 21 – February 19

The new moon helps to fire up your ambitions – think big, and then think bigger. Your career is what you make of it, so work out a plan to get yourself to the next level and beyond.


February 20 – March 20

There's a lot of spiritual growth on off er for you this week, as the new moon opens your eyes to new beliefs, new practices and new issues. Soak them all up and don't hesitate to follow wherever your interests lead.


March 21 – April 20

It's time to pay attention to your inner motivations. What's really making you tick, and what's behind the choices you make? You might surprise yourself with what you learn through self-development.


April 21 – May 20

Single Taureans might not stay that way for long, with the new moon shining from your love zone! Time for a fresh start? If you're in a relationship, rekindle the spark with some time away together.


May 21 – June 21

Pay attention to your health and wellbeing. You can use the new moon's optimism to start or re-start a healthy eating plan or a new exercise regimen. Your motivation is high, so there's no time like the present.


June 22 – July 23

Spend as much time around kids as you can. Th e younger generation inspires and that's perfect for this new moon vibe, which sends you out in search of fun and enjoyment.


July 24 – August 23

The new moon brings good news about a property or domestic matter, and also off ers the chance to start afresh with a relative. Make the fi rst move, even if the situation wasn't your fault.


​ August 24 – September 23

The new moon in your communication zone makes this a great time to catch up with friends and to speak up and be heard. At work, your talent for the written word may take you places.


September 24 – October 23

Look over your finances and see if there are areas where you can save money – or where you might want to splash out a little more. Your budget is a work in progress.

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