Horoscopes: Your stars with Lilith

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This was published 7 years ago

Horoscopes: Your stars with Lilith

By Lilith

With Sun, Mercury and Saturn in too-much-is-just-enough Sagittarius, this week's full-frontal communication could rub on some touchy, tender spots...


This week's full-frontal communication could rub on some touchy, tender spots.

This week's full-frontal communication could rub on some touchy, tender spots.Credit: AP

With this week's planetary trifecta in a speedy fellow fire sign, you're full of ambition and resolution. But impatience needs reining in; push your luck or other people's buttons and you'll be playing with fire. Channel instead the genial leadership, courage, confidence and generosity that make you the star you are.


This week's off and racing, rife with exciting socialising, hot gossip and some wonderful indulgences – along with exaggerated estimations and a somewhat lax attitude to facts. Before investing your precious time, energy and dollars into any inviting new enterprise, ask the key questions, have the in-depth discussion, use your sound judgment.


The present breath of Sagittarian fresh air ushers in a more relaxed, cruisy, light-hearted mood after recent weeks of deep soul-searching. And not a moment too soon, as this week carries a massive caution against rushing, making impulsive promises or agreeing to anything before thinking it through.


If this week's penetrating observations prickle, is it because they contain some home truths? After you're over feeling hurt and huffy, let feedback fuel those overdue moves you know you've been procrastinating about. The present snaky transit's perfect for sloughing off old skins – consider it your personal cosmic loofah.



Leo Carl Jung thought all angst is a result of unwillingness to endure legitimate suffering. Right orwrong, if recent episodes of Life in Leoworld seemed like an inner Game of Thrones, this week fires off celestial rockets of optimism, confidence and good news. Give it your best and others will respond with theirs.


Plenty of constructive, productive, beneficial energies on this week's Virgo menu. During midweek moon in your sign you might want to use the sandwich technique of giving criticism, which is wrapping it between two compliments, before and after. A little bit of sweetness helps the medicine go down.


As Neptune moves direct, new information and clearer communication supply everything you need to make exquisitely appropriate decisions this week, so no need to doubt, hesitate, vacillate or shilly-shally. Just do it. Late week Libra moon is likely to call on your expertise in smoothing out unruly moods.


This week's strong fire energy requires the finesse and balance of a tightrope walker, so an all or nothing mindset's not advised. Think of Goldilocks, as in not too hot and not too cold, not too hard and not too soft. Or, as many spiritual traditions advise: Not too tight and not too loose ...


With midweek Sun joining Mercury and Saturn for happy birthday Sagittarius, you're at your most vivaciously vocal and energetically expressive – but be wary of giving away information which could serve someone else's competitive agenda. You may have to stretch your perspective to include differing points of view during late-week financial faceoffs.


While this week makes it tempting to overreach, aim instead for slow, steady, controlled expansion. Forethought and careful planning will prevent you joining the ranks of the fraught and overwrought in a sauna of power plays. Even if other people's methods seem slipshod, a charitable response can pave the way to unexpected benefits.


Aquarians are less fazed than other signs by the complexity of contradictions, the complications of paradox. Which comes in handy as Jupiter the expansion principle squares off against Pluto's underworld energies, creating a tug of war between the urge to extend while simultaneously heeding gut instincts against going too far.


The upside of your planet ruler Neptune turning direct in Pisces? Your already awesome intuition reaching even deeper understandings. The downside is that this week's blunt communications may touch uncomfortable places. Still, they're likely to be spot on, so if feedback fits, wear it. And follow through on making the necessary changes.

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