Stranger's act of kindness helps overwhelmed mum in supermarket

Danielle Vinson and her children.
Danielle Vinson and her children.  

Danielle Vinson was having one of "those" days.

Feeling pre-menstrual and overwhelmed by her kids while shopping, a random act of kindness from a stranger in the supermarket brought her to tears, exactly when she needed it most.

Sharing her experience on the Love What Matters Facebook page, Ms Vinson wrote, "A stranger paid for our groceries today. All $178.86 worth of baby food and deli meat and milk and veggies ... paid forward in stand 11."

Describing the kindest, most incredible act of generosity she'd ever received, Ms Vinson explained that after a stressful day at home, she'd taken a "break" at the supermarket with her youngest child.

"After feeding him teething crackers to get through the trip, I placed all our items on the belt, handed the cashier our reusable bags, and turned around to a sudden panic while fumbling around my wallet-less diaper bag."

In despair, Ms Vinson frantically called her husband asking him to please "teleport" her wallet.

Her hand pressed to her forehead, Ms Vinson heard a voice behind her. "Keep ringing everything up," the kind-hearted stranger said. "I'll take care of it."

Writing of her "absolute disbelief", Ms Vinson said she shook her head, glancing at the already $70 grocery total and telling the woman it was far too expensive.

"Seriously, don't worry about it," the good Samaritan responded. "I need to do something for the holidays. Merry Christmas, enjoy."

Ms Vinson shared that at that moment, her eyes welled with "joyful, humbled, grateful tears".

"You changed my life today, ma'am," the mum wrote. "This moment is now forever ingrained in my heart … Thank you, from the peaks to the depths of my heart. Thank you."

Ms Vinson's story has been shared over 2300 times, and has attracted hundreds of comments.

Many women shared their own tales of being helped by kind strangers – or of paying it forward themselves.

"I had a similar experience two years ago," one woman wrote. "Went to the grocery shop, waiting in line and realised I left my wallet at home (5 mins away) ... left my cart with my favourite clerk and when I got back all my stuff was bagged and waiting. I was confused, then the clerk told me the lady behind me had them ring my cart up ($98) and to wish me Happy Holidays! I cried!"

Another commenter shared her own act of kindness for a mother in need.

"I was shopping at Shoprite and was behind by a younger mother with her 2 week old baby and her mother," she wrote. "I see a lot of baby food, diapers, and whatever the baby needed. The total was over a hundred dollars but she did not have enough money. Then she started to ask the cashier to remove some of the items.

"I came to her rescue and asked the cashier how much does she need? She responded $45.67, I said don't worry I will take care of it and told her to enjoy her beautiful little bundle of joy. She started crying and gave me a hug. It felt good to help."