
Paul McGeough

Paul McGeough is chief foreign correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald.

Donald Trump.

Donald Trump wins the US election

In a stunning late surge in the early hours of Wednesday, insurgent Republican Donald Trump has amassed just enough voter support to push him through the door of the White House.

Controversial: FBI director James Comey.

Republican anger set to rise as FBI chief clears Clinton over emails

With little more than 24 hours to the polls opening, FBI chief James Comey has absolved Hillary Clinton of any criminal wrongdoing in regard to a late-found trove of her emails, but his belated exoneration of the Democratic presidential nominee likely will be as controversial as his unseemly intervention

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally.

Trump's lying far more sinister than distortion of facts

Washington: Donald Trump's lies are so overwhelming that reporters stir them as a child does peas on a plate – marvelling at the shape and colour, but for much of the time oblivious to a greater question of "why?"