Daily Life


Why a start-up's male-only workspace is 'ruffling feathers'

There's been a lot of heat levelled at the founders of Brisbane-based start-up-slash-gym-slash-crybaby man cult Nomadic Thinkers over the past few days, simply because they announced their plans to open a males-only workspace in a move which is very brave, extremely masculine, and probably illegal

Much of the criticism has been because of an interview they did with the website Junkee, in which they claimed they were creating a male only co-working space early in the new year as an "innovative way to address male-related social issues". 

Brisbane-based start up Nomadic Thinkers has "ruffled feathers" by only including males in their workplaces.
Brisbane-based start up Nomadic Thinkers has "ruffled feathers" by only including males in their workplaces. Photo: Stocksy

And they did acknowledge that their No Girls Allowed policy would "ruffle a few feathers" – which are things that women probably have. And part of the reason was to foster a better mental health situation for dudes, as co-founder Samuel Monaghan made clear.

"We both had a mate who ended up in a violent situation with his wife," he helpfully explained. "He pushed his wife over … Depression and suicide result from a lack of social support and community. Having a space where they [men] can be men is more of a preventative measure [because] healthy, happy men don't hit their wives."

Leaving aside the odious implication that men would be happier and healthier were it not for all these damned harpies provoking them with their infernal presence, Monaghan's argument hinges on a couple of pretty flimsy premises.

First up, that there's a need for men-only spaces in the start-up sector generally. And that's a hard case to make since, according to Monica Wullf, CEO of Startup Muster, 74 per cent of start-ups are headed by males. In other words, the start-up sector is already pretty much a men-only space as it is.


And while there are female-focused co-working spaces, they tend to be less about deliberately excluding poor sad men and more about providing the sorts of services useful to working women. Wullf cites Perth's BubDesk, which is designed to be parent-friendly. "They've got a creche set up," she explains. "And since the majority of single parents are women you can understand why that would be useful for women who work in this space." 

More importantly, the Nomadic Thinkers' "men-only work spaces foster social support and community" argument rests on the idea that men require expression of a very particular and peculiarly exclusionary type of gender identity in order to be men – which Monaghan helpfully articulates as men "used to go to war together. Girls … have tea parties and stuff."

This Men Are From Mars, Women Have Lovely Biscuits dichotomy should ring a bell for anyone familiar with the sort of language of pick up websites and the Mens Rights Activist community, and make one ask "hold on a tick: are these fellows legitimately worried about fostering healthy male relationships, or are they trying to set themselves up as an MRA workplace – one which presumably bans tea parties and stuff?"

And the answer, unsurprisingly, appears to be the latter.

Nomadic Thinkers have locked down their blog and social media accounts in the wake of the controversy, but thanks to Google Cache it's possible to enjoy pieces like Why There Is Still Hope For Men In The West, in which Nomadic Thinker co-founder Matt Paul decries "the insanity of Cultural Marxists and globalists" in destroying "the civilisation your ancestors built", before recommending the lessons on choosing a quality breeding mate imparted by Return of Kings, the global misogyny hub that gave us Roosh V.  So… yeah. 

And it's never been more important to call this sort of bullshit out when it appears, because the history of scared little men getting furious about women taking up space to which they feel entitled is as long as it is vile.  

Men who pretend to care about mental health, as a smokescreen for their crippling fear of women, damage the very men they're ostensibly claiming to support.

During the current US election women have been reminded that men chit-chatting about the women upon which they've forced themselves isn't a horrifying admission of sexual assault but merely perfectly harmless locker-room talk about which their pretty little heads shouldn't be worried. 

Not all men-only spaces are necessarily hotbeds of violent hatred of women, of course. It's just that they seem to attract those sorts of violent, inadequate people – as Newtown barbershop Hawleywood's recently discovered.

And male depression and suicide is an important issue that deserves greater attention and resources – but people that bring it up as a defence during a conversation about domestic violence or female safety traditionally have exactly as much interest in actually doing something about it as the people who go "why are we giving money to refugees when people are sleeping rough in our own cities?" have about addressing homelessness. 

Men who pretend to care about mental health, as a smokescreen for their crippling fear of women, damage the very men they're ostensibly claiming to support. They're not interested in raising the issue, they're deliberately trying to shut down the conversation. 

And with mental health still badly marginalised in Australia, with government cuts reducing accessibility across the board, the last thing male mental health advocates need is to have the issue co-opted by a bunch of guys scared of being out-competed by ladies.
