

Workplace harassment of women: Do not be that sleazy male customer

The injustice – often criminal, often fatal – men inflict on women is one of the most disconcerting issues. The contravention of universal values such as fairness, respect and the sanctity of fundamental rights, including the right to life, is astounding. It is a manifold disgrace, encompassing domestic violence (the leading preventable cause of illness and injury for women between the ages of 15 and 44), and workplace inequality including income disparities and lack of access to positions of power.

And, as demonstrated in an investigation published by The Age on Monday, it also includes harassment of female staff by male customers across a range of industries, including retailing, design, hospitality and healthcare. The online presentation of the comprehensive package by writer Gina McColl includes first-hand testimonies from women who suffer harassment from customers in part because of a view that deference, availability and friendliness are part of the job.

Far from being an acceptable part of anyone's job, such harassment is unlawful – on the part of the offending customers and the women's employers. This has been unambiguously the case since a change five years ago in the Sex Discrimination Act. But there has not been a discernible rise in complaints to the Human Rights Commission, and there has been nary a court case to test the law. This suggests a lack of knowledge in the community that such rights, responsibilities and mandatory protections exist.

We believe this can be remedied through education programs and other measures. First, employer organisations should ensure their members receive detailed briefings and information about their duty to protect their staff against harassment by customers and clients. Second, employees should be given training by employers and unions on how to respond to inappropriate behaviour by customers.

Third, taxpayer-funded institutions including the Fair Work Commission and the Fair Work Ombudsman should step forward and make it abundantly clear they are ready and able to apply the law. Fourth, our governments should create a public education campaign to help the community understand that it is the duty of each of us to not only not perpetrate such denigrating and despicable behaviour, but to call it out should we witness it. Fifth, media organisations should unstintingly shine a light on the inequality women suffer.

The Age's investigation indicates many women are experiencing verbal and physical harassment from customers daily. Common responses by employers and perpetrators – including "boys will be boys", "he was drunk" and "you should be used to it" – show just how much work needs to be done to disabuse people of the notion this harassment is somehow normal or acceptable.

Such attitudes are related to those that fuel domestic violence. The Age's reporting comes only days after White Ribbon Day, Australia's campaign to prevent men's violence against women. And it comes only days after the Victorian Women's Trust ran Breakthrough, the biggest gender equality conference in the nation's history. The very existence of such events underscores how far we still have to go to end injustice against women.

Late last year, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull implored all Australians to make a "cultural shift" and stop disrespecting women. He said: "Disrespecting women does not always result in violence against women. But all violence against women begins with disrespecting women." He is correct.

Real men do not treat women with disrespect. It is evident, too, that the customer is far, far from always being right.
