
'The flow-on effects will be huge': Chef shortage looms after 457 visa crackdown

The anti-globalisation virus is threatening to infect our restaurants. A nationalist "jobs for Australians first" push by the federal government could be bad news for food lovers, given more work visas are granted to cooks and chefs than any other profession.

Canberra's planned crackdown on 457 visas reflects the fallout from Donald Trump's US election win and the Brexit vote, as lawmakers scramble to neutralise populist rallying points.

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The Turnbull government has changed 457 visa conditions, aiming to improve the job prospects of unemployed Australians. Courtesy ABC, Sky.

But there's two problems: the local food industry is blossoming in a country increasingly enamoured by culinary delights; and restaurants are a major selling point for tourism, a pillar of our post-mining economy.

"I really don't think they've really thought this one through," said Andrew Hughes, a lecturer at the College of Business and Economics at Australian National University. "They're trying to resolve a political problem in response to Trump and populism without considering the economic consequences.

"The flow-on effects will be huge: outside staff shortages, increased wages and higher restaurant bills, it will diminish the multinational culinary experience Australia offers and its appeal abroad."


The other issue is not enough Australians wanting to become chefs: Whether it's the anti-social hours or lack of status, there's a shortfall. That's the main reason for the proliferation of 457 visas for overseas workers.

The nation's restaurant, café and catering industry is certainly significant. It employs 554,200 people across 35,900 businesses and is the biggest contributor to the visitor economy, which spans foreign and domestic visitors. The industry body says tourism has been flagged as one of Australia's five super growth sectors -- second only to natural gas.

Culturally, the rise of hugely popular TV franchises like Master Chef; the increasing numbers of households hiring chefs to come and cook as a special event; and the proliferation of restaurants and café​s highlight how far we've come from "meat and three veg.''

Yet with the exception of a few superstars such as Neil Perry and Peter Gilmore, chefs' status here is more humble than in countries such as the US, where they are sometimes viewed as rockstars. Restaurateurs often view them as equivalent to cooks.

This might help partly explain lawmakers' oversight of the profession as they confront a potent political risk.

Trump's surprise victory, months after the British electorate unexpectedly voted to quit the European Union, is part of a global wave of populism sweeping the developed world and threatening political elites.

While Australia has managed to keep economic inequality relatively under control, both the Labor Party, which proposed the tightening of visa rules, and the Turnbull government, which is now responding with its own measures, fear the spread of anti-globalisation.

"But in a way, the horse has already bolted here," said Hughes, pointing to the big Senate win by Pauline Hanson's One Nation party in the July election on a platform of halting Muslim immigration.

"I'm not sure cracking down on temporary work visas will stop that. The political issue will remain and they'll have created a new economic problem while they were trying to fix it."

