
'They're robbing you already': backpackers lament new tax

British 28-year-old Chloe Pincho is pretty clear about the impact of backpackers paying more tax.

"This tax is just not acceptable because they're robbing you already," Ms Pincho tells Fairfax Media at Bondi Beach a few hours after the deal sealing the tax's future was announced.

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Backpacker tax deal struck

It was originally set at 32.5 per cent, now the government is accepting a 15 per cent rate to get the backpacker tax through the senate. Courtesy ABC News 24

It was a similar message from several backpackers Fairfax Media met at Bondi on Monday with many of them saying the tax would decrease the attractiveness of Australia without necessarily wiping it off the budget travel map.

Currently working as a primary school teacher, Ms Pincho has also picked fruit in Shepparton, Victoria.

She thinks that work of that nature will lose its appeal in the wake of the new 15 per cent tax as she already had to pay board to the farm owners out of a relatively low wage.

"I will never go back to fruit picking. Fruit picking was the worst job I've ever done," she said.


Dental nurse Rebecca Marsh, from Northern Ireland, funded her travels with the money she made picking onions in South Australia and bananas in Far North Queensland.

"Say you were doing that and got [the equivalent of] one day pay taken off after all that hard work, it makes you wonder 'what am I actually doing this for?'" she said adding that the tax would make farmwork not worth the effort.

However, both agreed that a separate immigration requirement of working in regional areas to be eligible for a visa extension was reason enough to pick fruit at least once.

Backpackers comprise of 25 per cent of farm labourers across Australia, and up to 85 per cent in the Northern Territory. Some farmers have warned the tax could severely impact their ability to source labour.

One of those who felt the tax was reasonable was 28-year-old restaurant worker Charlie Ucelli.

"I think if people come to Australia they have to pay some tax, that's normal," said the French national.

He said that while it would be harder to save money with the tax, Australia's high wages still outweighed the cost of living compared to his home country, France.

"The situation in Europe now is very bad, that's why there are many people from Europe who come to Australia," he said. "Even with the tax, we'll be better off."

A trio of Irish travellers told Fairfax Media the tax would have made them save more at home before landing in Australia

"It's quite dear here compared to at home," said Rosie Togneri, a 23-year-old waitress..

"It's different when you're getting paid but when you're not working it's a lot dearer."

American au pair Breanna Bradley, 22, believes the tax will put off potential backpackers to Australia.

"For au pairs and certain other jobs, they'll probably request to get paid more."

Ms Pincho, who picked fruit in Shepparton, wishes she wasn't required to pick fruit at all.

"I would still do it because it gives you a second year visa here and it's the only option to stay here longer, she said. "So you're forced to have to do it… it's not fair."

Despite all interviewed backpackers agreeing it would be harder to save money under the tax, all would still have come to Australia if the tax had already been introduced.

In New Zealand, backpackers are taxed at 10.5 per cent, but wages still aren't as competitive as in Australia with the higher tax says 28-year-old British backpacker Kieran Gallahahn.

Mr Gallahan, who works as a plumber, isn't bothered by the tax.

"I'm not here to save money," he said.

He said he would rather be nominated by an employer for a visa that allowed him to work more.

"When you take from the system, you've got to put in, I suppose."
