
Nico Rosberg wins Formula One world title

ABU DHABI: Mercedes driver Nico Rosberg has won his first Formula One world championship after finishing second at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

Rosberg finished the race behind teammate Lewis Hamilton, who claimed his 53rd race win, with Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel third, the Red Bulls of Max Verstappen and Daniel Ricciardo fourth and fifth respectively.

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Rosberg seals first ever F1 World Title

Nico Rosberg has sealed his first ever F1 World Title at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on Sunday. He finished second to his Mercedes team-mate Lewis Hamilton.

It was a tight finish as Hamilton blatantly disobeyed team orders to speed up near the end, thus backing Rosberg toward Vettel and Verstappen.

Mercedes bosses left open the possibility of disciplinary action against Hamilton after he ignored their orders while fighting Rosberg.

Mercedes boss Toto Wolff warned of potential 'anarchy' and said he had yet to decide how to respond to a situation that threatened to undermine the team.

Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel, a compatriot of Rosberg, described the tactics as 'dirty tricks'.


Wolff would not go that far, at least openly, but he recognised Hamilton had ignored clear top-level instructions issued by technical head Paddy Lowe to speed up.

He added that while that could be understood in the circumstances, it was also a road that led to chaos.

"Undermining a structure in public means you are putting yourself before the team. It is very simple. Anarchy does not work in any team and in any company," Wolff said.

"The other half [of me] says it was his only chance of winning the championship ... and maybe you cannot demand of a racing driver that is one of the best, if not the best, to comply in a situation where his instincts cannot make him.

"It is about finding a solution as to how to solve that in the future because a precedent has been set," added the Austrian.

Asked directly whether Hamilton, a triple world champion who has won 10 races for the team this season with 12 pole positions, could expect punishment, Wolff said "everything is possible."

"Maybe we want to give them more freedom. Or do [we take] the more harsh side that we feel the values were not respected. I am not sure yet where my finger is going to point or the needle is going to go.

"You need to win and to lose with dignity," he said.

Rare moment of grace: Rosberg is congratulated by teammate and rival Lewis Hamilton.

Rare moment of grace: Rosberg is congratulated by teammate and rival Lewis Hamilton. Photo: Clive Mason

Breakthrough for Rosberg

Having finished runner-up for the past two seasons, the 31-year-old Rosberg finally emulated his father Keke who won the F1 title in 1982.

"That was definitely not the most enjoyable race I've had. Can't believe it's over. I'm ecstatic," Rosberg said.

"It was so intense, the race, so tough."

Rosberg repeatedly wiped his face and lowered his head several times in the post-race news conference, appearing emotionally exhausted as he tilted back into his chair and rubbed his eyes.

Still, he expects to find plenty of energy to celebrate his win.

"Tonight's going to be absolutely nuts," he said. "I don't think I'm going to be available for a few days."

"Two Rosbergs are world champions ... if I've got my statistics right," Rosberg said jokingly, before recounting how his father has adopted a keen but discreet profile.

"Every Saturday night I get a text from him: 'Pedal to the metal.' That's it. It's good that he's let me get on with it."

Breakthrough: Rosberg has come second the past two years in the F1 championship.

Breakthrough: Rosberg has come second the past two years in the F1 championship. Photo: Clive Mason

Hamilton disobeyed team orders to speed up towards the end of the race, even one that came from Mercedes' executive director Paddy Lowe.

The Briton instead elected to drive his own race as he hoped Rosberg would make a mistake and be passed by Vettel and Verstappen to give Hamilton a fourth title.

In the end neither Vettel nor Verstappen could.

"Nico drove well not to make a mistake," Hamilton said.

Rosberg did not criticise Hamilton's tactics, saying he understood that it was the British driver's best chance.

Hamilton was emphatically unapologetic.

"I don't know why they just didn't let us race," Hamilton said.

Rosberg was clearly getting nervous, and Vettel was a wheel's length away from him on the final lap.

But he kept his cool and his elation was evident as he let out a delighted screech of "Yes! World champion" when he crossed the line.

Then he jumped out of his car and danced around the track before being hugged by his mechanics.

Hamilton made a point of coming over to congratulate Rosberg and offered him a hug on the podium, Rosberg accepted but it was a brief one, and then he carried on celebrating as he was tossed into the air by his Mercedes crew.

Rosberg survived earlier drama when he was close to colliding with Verstappen on lap 21 as they jostled for second place.

Verstappen, the youngest driver to win an F1 race, has earned a reputation for his risky overtaking and has upset other drivers this season.

As he and Rosberg jostled for second place, they twice almost came into contact, but Rosberg showed great courage to then overtake him.

"The battle out there with Max was unreal. I don't want to experience that again sometime soon," Rosberg said. "Max went full on aggressive. As usual."

While Ricciardo again drove a solid race to finish fifth and claimed third in the championship he was once again left to rue a strategic decision.

Ricciardo pitted early, while teammate Verstappen went for a one-stop strategy that ultimately lifted him above the Australian on race day.

