Fairfax Media Network

Australian Chart Summary

Tuesday - Latest

A low pressure trough stretching from SA to WA and the NT Top End is producing a few showers and storms. Another trough is causing showers and storms to develop over QLD and northeastern NSW. Heat is building over central Australia, whilst the coasts are cooler in seabreezes.

Wednesday 22:00 EDT

A deepening low and trough should produce showers and storms over QLD, NSW, VIC and TAS. A lingering trough over northern WA and the NT will also produce showers and storms. A weak ridge of high pressure will keep southern WA and southern SA mostly clear.

Thursday 22:00 EDT

A low pressure trough stretching from northern WA across SA to inland VIC will produce isolated showers and storms. Another trough over the tropics will bring further showers and storms. A weak ridge of high pressure will clear skies over most of QLD and NSW.

Friday 22:00 EDT

A low pressure trough will stretch across the NT, eastern WA, SA and southern NSW, producing showers and thunderstorms, most widespread in the north. A ridge of high pressure will keep QLD mostly clear, whilst another high will bring clearer skies to the far south.

Saturday 22:00 EDT

A deepening low pressure trough should generate showers and storms throughout WA and the NT. A lingering trough over SA and NSW will continue to produce a few showers and storms. Hot air should focus over northern NSW and central Australia.

Sunday 22:00 EDT

A front and trough should cross from WA into SA producing patchy rain and isolated thunderstorms. Hot northerlies filtering ahead of this system will affect SA, VIC NSW and western QLD. Ridges of high pressure will keep western WA dry and mild.

Monday 22:00 EDT

A pair of low pressure troughs will stretch across WA, central Australia and NSW, producing showers and thunderstorms amongst hot air. A cooler change will affect southeastern Australia. Warmth will start building in the west.

Now Temperature

At Darwin Ap

10:40 CST





Possible thunderstorm


Weather News

BOM forecasts southern Queensland heatwave with temperatures possibly hitting 40C

11:53 EDT

Severe-to-extreme heatwave conditions are predicted to hit southern Queensland for three days from Friday, with temperatures forecast to crack 40 degrees Celsius in some parts of the state.

Queensland farmer weathers the storm, literally and financially, during bad weather

09:54 EDT

A Queensland lettuce farmer says having two properties to grow his lettuce on helps to offset the risks of the summer storm season.

Summer opening with a heatwave

17:12 EDT

Summer will turn up right on time for parts of Australia's eastern inland, with a heatwave forecast for some areas in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales.