

  1. Better off without TPP

    How much worse off are we all now that the Trans-Pacific Partnership has been consigned to the dustbin? The short answer is it will not make a lick of difference — in fact, we may be better off.

  2. Hanjin collapse

    The global shipping industry is in dire straits with international rates low for five years, and for some vessels, the current day rates are covering less than 5 per cent of costs.

  3. Resurrecting death taxes

    Death and tax are the two certainties in life, so why not combine them?

  4. Old tyres become biofuel

    A green start-up technology company produces biofuel from old rubber tyres than can run turbo-charged diesel engines while reducing emissions by 30 per cent.

  5. Thumbs down for exec pay

    More of Australia's top companies than ever before have seen investors give the thumbs down to executive pay packets, and the company AGM season still has weeks left to run.

  6. Tiny House living

    A Brisbane couple are epitomising the trend towards smaller and more sustainable homes, living in a house not much bigger than a caravan in their friend's backyard.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Mon Nov 28 2016 16:10:30 GMT+1100 (AEDT))
Index Opening Closing Change
5570.50 5532.60 -0.7%
5507.80 5464.40 -0.8%
2080.10 2072.90 -0.3%
8912.20 8739.80 -1.9%
6223.10 6162.00 -1%
19771.40 19657.80 -0.6%
790.10 786.80 -0.4%
9891.60 9763.70 -1.3%
5147.20 5139.20 -0.2%
8813.90 8795.10 -0.2%
1794.90 1800.40 0.3%
7308.40 7312.20 0.1%
2342.00 2338.50 -0.1%

Last updated

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